Bestsellers in Dressing & Sponge Forceps
Lister Sinus Forcep
(0 Reviews)
Lister Sinus Forcep is a specialized device that maxillofacial, plastic and ENT surgeons use to pack sinuses, remove foreign bodies and insert drains into the nasal or oral cavities.
- Trasverse Serrations for Enhanced Gripping.
- Long Jaws Ensuring Deep Surgical Access.
- Blunt Working End to Prevent Accidental Injury.
Collin Dressing Forcep
(0 Reviews)
Collin Dressing Forcep is a specialized surgical tool that surgeons in multiple areas commonly use to grasp, hold and mobilize several types of surgical dressings, in order to pack wounds and soak up fluids.
- Oval Serrated Jaws for Secure Dressing Grasp.
- Slender Design for Deep Surgical Access.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Maximum Control.
Martin Dressing Forcep
(0 Reviews)
Martin Dressing Forcep is a popular surgical device that surgeons in every area can use for cleaning blood and fluid operative areas and packing wounds, in order to gain an exceptional view of the surgical field.
- Small Jaws with Serrations for Safely Holding Swabs.
- Slender Design Granting Deep Surgical Access.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Handling.
Collin Uterine Seizing Forcep
(0 Reviews)
The Collin Uterine Seizing Forcep is a multipurpose gynecological instrument. It is commonly used to manipulate the vaginal wall and remove soft tissue masses from the uterus. It is also used for sponging and removing gauze pieces.
- Elongated Tips For Secure Grip On Tissues
- Ratchet Lock To Decrease User Fatigue
- Finger Ring Handles For Superior Control
McClintock Ovum Forcep
(0 Reviews)
McClintock Ovum Forcep is an obstetric surgical device that surgeons frequently use to grasp, rotate and extract the placenta from the mother’s uterus after delivery.
- Atraumatic Looped Jaws With Serrations to Prevent Local Injury.
- Smooth Screw Lock for Clamping Soft Tissues With Comfort.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings for Enhanced Handling.
Dartigues Uterine Seizing Forcep
(0 Reviews)
The Dartigues Uterine Seizing Forcep is a specialized instrument commonly used during gynecological procedures to lift the vaginal walls and remove soft tissue masses from the uterus.
- Broad Tips For Secure Grip
- Streamlined Design For Comfortable Handling
- Ring Handles To Decrease User Fatigue
Noto Uterine Polypus Forcep
(0 Reviews)
The Noto Uterine Polypus Forcep is a specialized instrument commonly used during gynecological surgeries to remove tissues from the uterus, handle internal organs as well as manipulate gauze pieces during surgery. It is also frequently used during general surgery as well.
- Fenestrations To Prevent Soft Tissue Damage
- Serrated Tips For Secure Grip
- Light Weight To Decrease User Fatigue
Showing 1–10 of 24 results
Bergmann Sponge Holding Forcep
(0 Reviews)
Bergmann Sponge Holding Forcep is a specialized surgical device that surgeons in several areas can use for grasping, holding, and mobilizing different types of dressings, in order to absorb blood and other fluids.
- Oval Fenestrated Jaws Granting Firm Grasps.
- Streamlined Intrument Profile for Deep Surgical Access.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Handling.
Bonney Sponge Holding Forcep
(0 Reviews)
Bonney Sponge Holding Forcep are specialized surgical devices that general surgeons can use to grasp and mobilize cotton wool swabs, sponges and other dressings, in order to clear fluids from the surgical field.
- Atraumatic Looped Jaws for Avoiding Local Injury.
- Reliable Ratchet Mechanism for Performing Self-Retaining Clamping.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings for Superior Control.
Bozeman Sponge Holding Forcep
(0 Reviews)
Bozeman Sponge Holding Forcep is a specialized surgical tool that surgeons in multiple areas, especially in GYN/OB, can use to absorb blood and other fluids from the surgical field.
- Long Serrated Jaws for Carrying Large Dressings.
- Straight & S-Shaped Designs for Suiting Different Applications.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Maximum Control.
Bryant Dressing Forcep
(0 Reviews)
Bryant Dressing Forcep is a specialized device that surgeons in different areas use to grasp, hold and manipulate gauzes, swabs and other materials that permit to absorb blood and fluids from the operating site.
- Transverse Serrations for Enhanced Gripping.
- Ratchet Mechanism Ensuring Self-Locking Action.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Promoting Superior Control.
Cheron Dressing Forcep
(0 Reviews)
Cheron Dressing Forcep is a specialized surgical device that surgeons in several areas frequently use for grasping, holding, and mobilizing dressing materials of different sizes, with the purpose of absorbing blood and fluids.
- Oval Serrated Jaws for Grasping Swabs with Ease.
- Angled Shanks for Suiting Difficult Surgical Approaches.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Handling.
Collin Dressing Forcep
(0 Reviews)
Collin Dressing Forcep is a specialized surgical tool that surgeons in multiple areas commonly use to grasp, hold and mobilize several types of surgical dressings, in order to pack wounds and soak up fluids.
- Oval Serrated Jaws for Secure Dressing Grasp.
- Slender Design for Deep Surgical Access.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Maximum Control.
Collin Uterine Seizing Forcep
(0 Reviews)
The Collin Uterine Seizing Forcep is a multipurpose gynecological instrument. It is commonly used to manipulate the vaginal wall and remove soft tissue masses from the uterus. It is also used for sponging and removing gauze pieces.
- Elongated Tips For Secure Grip On Tissues
- Ratchet Lock To Decrease User Fatigue
- Finger Ring Handles For Superior Control
Dartigues Uterine Seizing Forcep
(0 Reviews)
The Dartigues Uterine Seizing Forcep is a specialized instrument commonly used during gynecological procedures to lift the vaginal walls and remove soft tissue masses from the uterus.
- Broad Tips For Secure Grip
- Streamlined Design For Comfortable Handling
- Ring Handles To Decrease User Fatigue
Duplay Sponge Holding Forcep
(0 Reviews)
Duplay Sponge Holding Forcep is a specialized surgical tool that surgeons in multiple areas frequently use to grasp drapes, gauzes, swabs, and other dressings, in order to absorb fluids and blood from the surgical field.
- Small Serrated Jaws for Safely Grasping Swabs.
- Streamlined Profile Granting Deep Surgical Access.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Handling.
Emmet Dressing Forcep
(0 Reviews)
Emmet Dressing Forcep is a specialized surgical tool that surgeons in multiple fields can use to grasp large dressing materials, in order to pack wounds and absorb fluids.
- Jaws with Pins Ensuring Firm Dressing Grasps.
- Slender Design for Accessing Deep Cavities.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Handling.