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Bestsellers in Ancillary Products and Accessories

Bucher-Kansas Nucleus Trisector

(0 Reviews)
Bucher-Kansas Nucleus Trisector is an ophthalmic surgical device that surgeons frequently use for dividing the lens nucleus into three pieces, which allows easier removal and prevents post-surgical pathologies.
  • Atraumatic Trisecting Tip For Avoiding Local Trauma.
  • Angled Slim Shank For Fitting The Anterior Cavity.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Maximum Control.

Rowen Combination Lasik Flap Protector and Spatula

(0 Reviews)
Rowen Combination Lasik Flap Protector and Spatula is a multipurpose ophthalmic instrument that comprises a Burratto Flap Protector and a bi-convex spatula, which surgeons use for grasping, elevating and protecting the corneal flap at the same time.
  • Semi-Circled Blade For Protecting The Corneal Flap With Ease.
  • Atraumatic Vaulted Spatula For Elevating Soft Tissues Without Local Injury.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Superior Surgical Control.

Fukasaku-Lieberman Nucleus Manipulator and Hook

(0 Reviews)
The Fukasaku-Lieberman Nucleus Manipulator and Hook is a multipurpose ophthalmic device that helps surgeons to perform cataract surgeries, especially in patients with anatomically small pupils.
  • Atraumatic Hourglass Tip For Positioning The Nucleus With Ease.
  • Small Pupil Snapper Hook For Dividing The Nucleus Without Local Injury.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Superior Surgical Control.

LASIK Flap Manipulator

(0 Reviews)
LASIK Flap Manipulator is a specialized surgical device that ophthalmic surgeons can use to reposit the corneal flap into its original position, especially during LASIK procedures.
  • Atraumatic Olive-Shaped Tip For Avoiding Local Injury.
  • Angled Tapering Shank For Fitting The Cornea's Contour.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Enhanced Maneuverability.

Chang Micro Finger Chopper

(0 Reviews)
Chang Micro Finger Chopper is a specialized ophthalmic device that helps surgeons in the nucleus chopping technique, looking towards to fragment the lens for its further removal and replacement during phaco procedures.
  • Atraumatic Finger-Shaped Tip For Horizontal Nucleus Division.
  • Angled Slim Shank For Adapting To The Eyeball's Contour.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Enhanced Manipulation.

Siepser Endocapsular Controller

(0 Reviews)
Siepser Endocapsular Controller is a specialized ophthalmic instrument that surgeons can use to manipulate and fragment soft lens nuclei, looking towards its further removal from the anterior segment of the eye.
  • Atrumatic Trumpet-Bell Tip For Splitting Softer Nuclei With Ease.
  • Angled Tapering Shaft For Passing Into The Capsular Bag.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Maximum Control.

Giannetti Nucleus Capture Spatula

(0 Reviews)
Giannetti Nucleus Capture Spatula is a specialized surgical tool that ophthalmic surgeons commonly use for engaging and positioning the lens nucleus into the Giannetti Nucleus Capture Spoon, looking towards its further extraction.
  • Atraumatic Angled Spatula Tip For Carrying The Lens Without Trauma.
  • Angled Slender Shank For Passing Into The Capsular Bag.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Superior Control.

Showing 1–10 of 46 results

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Agarwal Karate Phaco Chopper

(0 Reviews)
Agarwal Karate Phaco Chopper is an ophthalmic surgical tool that surgeons can use for rotating and cracking the lens nucleus, looking towards its further removal from the anterior segment during phaco procedures.
  • Versatile Wedge-Shaped Tip For Manipulating Nuclei Without Injury.
  • Angled Slim Shaft For Accessing The Anterior Cavity With Ease.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Maximum Control.

Akahoshi Nucleus Sustainer

(0 Reviews)
Akahoshi Nucleus Sustainer is a specialized surgical device that ophthalmic surgeons use to hold the lens nucleus, maintaining it in an optimal position for fragmentation with a pre-chopper.
  • Atraumatic Ball Tip For Positioning The Nucleus Without Local Injury.
  • Angled Working End For Protecting The Posterior Capsule.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Maximum Control.

Alfonso Cutting Platform

(0 Reviews)
Alfonso Cutting Platform is a specialized surgical tool that ophthalmic surgeons can use for engaging and serving as a firm lens nucleus support, looking towards to permit its further division with an Alfonso Nucleus Trisector or a Bucher-Kansas Nucleus Trisector.
  • Available In Multiple Platform Sizes For Treating Multiple Patients.
  • Solid Angled Shank For Traversing Narrow Cavities With Ease.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Superior Surgical Control.

Alfonso Nucleus Trisector

(0 Reviews)
Alfonso Nucleus Trisector is a specialized surgical tool that ophthalmic surgeons can use to vertically fragment the lens nucleus into three pieces, looking towards to minimize post-surgical complications.
  • Atraumatic Trisection Tip For Avoiding Local Injury.
  • Resilient Angled Shank For Passing Into The Anterior Chamber.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Superior Control.

Barrett Nucleus Expressor

(0 Reviews)
Barrett Nucleus Expressor is a specialized surgical device that ophthalmic surgeons can use to expose the lens nucleus, looking towards its further examination or positioning.
  • Atraumatic Bulbous Tip For Avoiding Local Injury.
  • Sligthly Curved Working End For Fitting The Anterior Chamber.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Superior Control.

Bechert Nucleus Rotator

(0 Reviews)
Bechert Nucleus Rotator is an ophthalmic surgical device that surgeons can use to rotate and place the lens nucleus in an optimal position, looking towards its further division with a nucleus chopper or splitter.
  • Blunt Forked Tip For Rotating The Nucleus Without Local Injury.
  • Resilient Angled Shank For Reaching Narrow Spaces.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Superior Control.

Brierley Nucleus Splitter

(0 Reviews)
Brierley Nucleus Splitter is a specialized surgical device that ophthalmic surgeons use for fracturing the lens nucleus in multiple pieces during phacoemulsification procedures.
  • Atraumatic Angled Tip For Keeping Safe The Corneal Sideport Incision.
  • Resilient Angled Shank For Accessing The Anterior Cavity With Ease.
  • Ergonomic Round Hanlde For Maximum Surgical Control.

Bucher-Kansas Nucleus Trisector

(0 Reviews)
Bucher-Kansas Nucleus Trisector is an ophthalmic surgical device that surgeons frequently use for dividing the lens nucleus into three pieces, which allows easier removal and prevents post-surgical pathologies.
  • Atraumatic Trisecting Tip For Avoiding Local Trauma.
  • Angled Slim Shank For Fitting The Anterior Cavity.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Maximum Control.

Chang Micro Finger Chopper

(0 Reviews)
Chang Micro Finger Chopper is a specialized ophthalmic device that helps surgeons in the nucleus chopping technique, looking towards to fragment the lens for its further removal and replacement during phaco procedures.
  • Atraumatic Finger-Shaped Tip For Horizontal Nucleus Division.
  • Angled Slim Shank For Adapting To The Eyeball's Contour.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Enhanced Manipulation.

Chang Phaco Chopper

(0 Reviews)
Chang Phaco Chopper is a specialized ophthalmic tool that surgeons can use to fragment the lens nucleus in multiple pieces for its further removal, especially during phaco procedures.
  • Versatile Double-Ended Design For Complete Nucleus Manipulation.
  • Resilient Angled Shanks For Passing Into Narrow Cavities.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Maximum Control.
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