Showing 21–30 of 116 results
Circular Cutting Punch
(0 Reviews)
Circular Cutting Punch is a specialized instrument that ENT surgeons can use for cutting and removing tissue growths, mucosal flaps or polyps, especially during surgical procedures involving the maxillary sinus and its antrum.
- Circular Sharp-Edged Tip for 360° Cutting Range.
- Angled & Straight Patterns Suitable for All Needs.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Handling.
- 3.5 & 4.5mm Tip Sizes for Fitting a Variety of Nasal Cavities.
Citelli Mastoid Rongeur
(0 Reviews)
Citelli Mastoid Rongeur is a specialist instrument that surgeons use to debulk bone and remove tissue pathologies during mastoid and sphenoid surgeries. They can also be used to remove bones while opening the sphenoid sinus and the antrostomy opening in Caldwell-Luc operations.
- Serrated Grip Handles For Controlled Cuts.
- 90-degree Angle To Optimize Vision.
- Two Upward Cutting Jaws For Surgical Convenience.
Cleveland Bone Rongeur
(0 Reviews)
Cleveland Bone Rongeur is a specialized surgical tool that surgeons in multiple areas can use for chipping away small pieces of bone or other adnexal tissues, in order to reshape and sculpt the desired area.
- Sharp Tips Granting Smooth Cutting Action.
- Spring Mechanism for Closing the Jaws with Ease.
- Ergonomic Plier Style Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
Cone Cranial Punch
(0 Reviews)
Cone Cranial Punch is a specialized surgical device that orthopaedic and neurosurgeons can use for creating small holes in skull bones, vertebrae of other bone surfaces, in order to fixate craniotomy plates or bone flaps.
- Upper Moveable Blade for Punching the Bone.
- Riveted Joint Promoting Smooth Blade Movements.
- Plier Grip Style Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
Corneal Trephine
(0 Reviews)
Corneal Trephine is a specialized ophthalmologic device that surgeons can use to create the corneal hinge during certain surgeries, such as phaco, where the operator needs access into the anterior chamber.
- Sharp Cutting Edge For Precise Cutting.
- Multiple Blade Diameters to Suit All Applications.
- Various Handle Diameters to Fit All Blades.
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Curvas
(0 Reviews)
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Curvas es un instrumento especializado que permite cortar piezas de las uñas del pie, extraer uñas encarnadas, drenar abscesos subungueales y otras intervenciones.
- Tenazas en Medialuna que se Ajustan a la Uña.
- Bordes Rectos y Afilados para Cortes Precisos.
- Agarre Impecable Gracias a sus Mangos Ergonómicos.
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Estrechas
(0 Reviews)
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Estrechas es un instrumento especializado que permite cortar piezas de las uñas del pie, extraer uñas encarnadas, drenar abscesos subungueales y otras intervenciones.
- Tenazas Estrechas que Optimizan el Abordaje.
- Bordes Rectos y Afilados para Cortes Precisos.
- Agarre Impecable Gracias a sus Mangos Ergonómicos.
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Finas
(0 Reviews)
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Finas es un instrumento especializado que permite eliminar porciones de uñas del pie patológicas, en especial de las más pequeñas o delicadas, y en función de eliminar pedazos encarnados o exponer el lecho ungueal.
- Tenazas Finas para Cortar Uñas Pequeñas.
- Caja de Traba que Evita Distorsiones.
- Agarre Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Pesadas
(0 Reviews)
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Pesadas es un instrumento especializado que permite eliminar pedazos de las uñas del pie, en especial aquellos endurecidos que requieren una fuerza mayor en las mandíbulas.
- Bordes Afilados que Optimizan los Cortes.
- Disponible con Tenazas Rectas o Curvadas.
- Caja de Traba para Evitar la Distorsión.
Crescent Jaw Nail Cutter
(0 Reviews)
Crescent Jaw Nail Cutter is a specialized podiatric and chiropody instrument that surgeons use to cut pieces of toenails, in order to extract ingrown nails, drain abscesses or expose the nail bed.
- Sharp Cutting Edge Ensuring Precise Trimming.
- Crescent-Shaped Jaws to Follow the Nail's Convexity.
- Plier Grip Style Handle Promoting Superior Control.