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Why buy Podiatry Products and Accessories from Surgical Equips?

Surgical Equips is destined to offer top-quality podiatry products and accessories, making them the ideal choice for those seeking reliable tools for foot and ankle care. Our range includes precision-engineered podiatry surgical instruments and Sklar podiatry instruments, designed to meet the highest medical standards. When you buy podiatry instruments from us, you gain access to durable, high-performance tools that enhance both routine and complex procedures. Our podiatry instrument accessories are crafted to support optimal surgical outcomes and improve procedural efficiency. Trust Surgical Equips for your podiatry needs, ensuring your practice is equipped with the best instruments available for superior patient care.

  • Surgical Equips offers high-performance podiatry surgical instruments and Sklar podiatry instruments, ensuring precision and durability in every procedure.
  • Our podiatry instrument accessories are designed to improve procedural efficiency, supporting both routine and complex foot and ankle care.
  • When you buy podiatry instruments from Surgical Equips, you invest in tools that meet the highest medical standards, ensuring superior patient care.

Podiatry Products and Accessories Supplier in Africa, Saudi Arabia & Russia

Surgical Equips offers top-quality podiatry products and accessories in Africa, Saudi Arabia, and Russia. Our range includes podiatry surgical instruments and Sklar podiatry instruments, all designed for precision and durability. When you buy podiatry instruments from us, you ensure reliable tools for superior foot and ankle care in your practice.


Surgical Equips provides high-quality podiatry instruments in Africa. When you buy podiatry instruments from us, you access a range of reliable tools, including podiatry surgical instruments and Sklar podiatry instruments. Our podiatry instrument accessories are designed to enhance precision and efficiency in every procedure, ensuring top-tier care.

Saudi Arabia:

Our podiatry instruments are available in Saudi Arabia, offering precision-engineered solutions for foot and ankle care. Buy podiatry instruments from Surgical Equips to benefit from top-grade podiatry surgical instruments and Sklar podiatry instruments, along with essential accessories designed to optimize surgical outcomes.


Surgical Equips supplies with advanced podiatry instruments and accessories in Russia. Our collection includes Sklar podiatry instruments and specialized podiatry surgical instruments, all crafted for durability and accuracy. Buy podiatry instruments from us to elevate the quality of your podiatric procedures and ensure patient satisfaction.

Bestsellers in Podiatry Instruments

Nail Curette

(0 Reviews)
Nail Curette is a specialized podiatric and chiropody device that the operator uses for scraping dirt, debris and other residuous material from under the finger or toenail, and to cut off portions of the cuticle.
  • Double-Ended Profile to Suit Multiple Applications.
  • Straight Tapering Shafts for Higher Surgical Precision.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Systrunk Dissecting Scissor

(0 Reviews)
is used primarily for removing thyroglossal duct cysts but is a versatile instrument and can be used in other procedures.
  • Ring Handle For Comfort Grip
  • Available In Straight/Curved
  • Bevelled Blade

Baka Nail File

(0 Reviews)
Baka Nail File is a specialized podiatric and chiropody instrument that the operator uses to file the edges of nails, apply creams and nail care products, and help to remove ingrown toenails.
  • Extra Small Tip to Apply Ointments with Ease.
  • Serrated Surface to Smoothen the Nail's Edges.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Fine Jaw Nail Cutter

(0 Reviews)
Fine Jaw Nail Cutter is a specialized podiatric and chiropody instrument that surgeons use to trim large or small portions of delicate nails, in order to ease the extraction of ingrown nails or to expose the nail bed.
  • Delicate Fine Jaws to Cut Off Small Nails.
  • Boxlock System Promoting Smooth Jaw Movements.
  • Plier Grip Style Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Nail Cutter

(0 Reviews)
Nail Cutter is a specialized podiatric tool that surgeons and chiropodist use to cut pieces of the nail plate to extract ingrown nails, or to expose the nail bed allowing the drainage of abscesses and other infectious diseases.
  • Sharp Cutting Edge Ensuring Precise Nail Trimming.
  • Straight & Curved Jaws to Suit All Applications.
  • Plier Grip Style Handle Promoting Maximum Control.
  • Boxlock Mechanism for Smooth Jaw Movements.

Ultra Delicate Nail Scissor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Ultra Delicate Nail Scissor is a specialized instrument instrument used for dissection of delicate pediatric tissues. It is commonly preferred by surgeons to accurately dissect tissues during pediatric and orthopedic procedures.
  • Extremely Delicate Blades For Precise Dissection
  • Short Blades For Superior Control
  • Ergonomic Ring Handles For Comfortable Handling

Cortaúñas de Tenazas Curvas

(0 Reviews)
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Curvas es un instrumento especializado que permite cortar piezas de las uñas del pie, extraer uñas encarnadas, drenar abscesos subungueales y otras intervenciones.
  • Tenazas en Medialuna que se Ajustan a la Uña.
  • Bordes Rectos y Afilados para Cortes Precisos.
  • Agarre Impecable Gracias a sus Mangos Ergonómicos.

Showing 1–10 of 37 results

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Anvil Nail Extracting Forceps

(0 Reviews)
Anvil Nail Extracting Forceps is a specialized orthopedic and podiatry device that surgeons can use to cut, divide and extract complete nails or ingrowth nail pieces, in order to prevent further complications.
  • Blunt and Sharp Edges for Cutting Nails with Ease.
  • Double Spring Mechanism for Smooth
  • Plier Style Grip Handle Ensuring Superior Control.

Aplicador de Gasa

(0 Reviews)
Aplicador de Gasa es un instrumento especializado que permite taponar y cubrir heridas luego de la avulsión parcial o total de una uña, a fin de absorber sangre y otros fluidos.
  • Bordes Romos que Reducen el Daño Local.
  • 2 Tamaños para Ajustarse a Diversas Gasas.
  • Hojas Cóncavas para Aplicar Gasas Tubulares.

Baka Nail File

(0 Reviews)
Baka Nail File is a specialized podiatric and chiropody instrument that the operator uses to file the edges of nails, apply creams and nail care products, and help to remove ingrown toenails.
  • Extra Small Tip to Apply Ointments with Ease.
  • Serrated Surface to Smoothen the Nail's Edges.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Cortaúñas de Tenazas Curvas

(0 Reviews)
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Curvas es un instrumento especializado que permite cortar piezas de las uñas del pie, extraer uñas encarnadas, drenar abscesos subungueales y otras intervenciones.
  • Tenazas en Medialuna que se Ajustan a la Uña.
  • Bordes Rectos y Afilados para Cortes Precisos.
  • Agarre Impecable Gracias a sus Mangos Ergonómicos.

Cortaúñas de Tenazas Estrechas

(0 Reviews)
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Estrechas es un instrumento especializado que permite cortar piezas de las uñas del pie, extraer uñas encarnadas, drenar abscesos subungueales y otras intervenciones.
  • Tenazas Estrechas que Optimizan el Abordaje.
  • Bordes Rectos y Afilados para Cortes Precisos.
  • Agarre Impecable Gracias a sus Mangos Ergonómicos.

Cortaúñas de Tenazas Finas

(0 Reviews)
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Finas es un instrumento especializado que permite eliminar porciones de uñas del pie patológicas, en especial de las más pequeñas o delicadas, y en función de eliminar pedazos encarnados o exponer el lecho ungueal.
  • Tenazas Finas para Cortar Uñas Pequeñas.
  • Caja de Traba que Evita Distorsiones.
  • Agarre Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.

Cortaúñas de Tenazas Pesadas

(0 Reviews)
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Pesadas es un instrumento especializado que permite eliminar pedazos de las uñas del pie, en especial aquellos endurecidos que requieren una fuerza mayor en las mandíbulas.
  • Bordes Afilados que Optimizan los Cortes.
  • Disponible con Tenazas Rectas o Curvadas.
  • Caja de Traba para Evitar la Distorsión.

Crescent Jaw Nail Cutter

(0 Reviews)
Crescent Jaw Nail Cutter is a specialized podiatric and chiropody instrument that surgeons use to cut pieces of toenails, in order to extract ingrown nails, drain abscesses or expose the nail bed.
  • Sharp Cutting Edge Ensuring Precise Trimming.
  • Crescent-Shaped Jaws to Follow the Nail's Convexity.
  • Plier Grip Style Handle Promoting Superior Control.

Cuticle Cutter

(0 Reviews)
Cuticle Cutter is a specialized podiatric and chiropody device that surgeons use to bite off pieces of cuticle away from the nail bed, in order to facilitate nail extraction or to drain abscesses and other infectious diseases of the nail.
  • Inwardly Curved Jaws to Fit the Nail's Anatomy.
  • Sharp Cutting Edge Ensuring Safe Cuticle Trimming.
  • Plier Grip Style Handle Promoting Superior Control.

Delicate Nail Scissor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Delicate Nail Scissor is a specialized instrument used for sharp and blunt dissection of delicate tissues, especially during pediatric procedures. Surgeons prefer the instrument for orthopedic and general surgeries as well.
  • Delicate Blades For Precise Dissection
  • Short Blades For Better Control
  • Ergonomic Ring Handles For Comfortable Handling
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