Bestsellers in Self-Retaining Retractors
Norfolk-Norwich Self Retaining Retractor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Norfolk-Norwich Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized instrument commonly used to provide symmetrical and controlled traction to pull apart incision edges to enlarge the surgical field. It is frequently used during neurosurgery, spinal surgery as well as cardiovascular and orthopedic procedures.
- Larger Working End For Better Grip On Large Incisions
- Blunt Prongs To Prevent Inadvertent Soft Tissue Damage
- Light Weight For Superior Control
Caspar Drill Guide
(0 Reviews)
Caspar Drill Guide is a specialized surgical instrument that orthopaedic and neurosurgeons can use for guiding the drill into the desired direction, in order to perform holes and position pins or wires.
- Atraumatic Toothed Edge Promoting Optimal Fixation.
- Angled Profile for Performing Multiple Approaches.
- Ergonomic Ferrozell Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
Weitlaner-Baby Self Retaining Retractor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Weitlaner-Baby Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized instrument used for retracting fibrous tissue incisions. It is commonly used during a variety of procedures including spinal surgeries, orthopedic and neurological procedures.
- Solid Blades Ideal For Tough Tissues
- Blunt Tips To Prevent Inadvertent Tissue Damage
- Ergonomic Finger Ring Handles For Superior Control
Henley Self Retaining Retractor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Henley Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used in a variety of surgical procedures for retracting tissues. Its special prongs and central blades work to clear the surgical field for clean access during orthopedic, general as well as gynecological procedures.
- Dual Sharp/Blunt Prongs For Appropriate Retraction
- Curved Shanks For Easy Placement
- Finger Ring Handles For Comfortable Handling
Adson (Cone) Self Retaining Retractor
(0 Reviews)
Adson (Cone) Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized device that general, orthopaedic and neurosurgeons commonly use to retract heavy layers of muscles, especially to expose the dorsal spine.
- Blunt & Sharp Prongs to Suit All Applications.
- Hinged Shanks Promoting Maximum Mobility.
- Elongated Shanks Ensuring Deep Surgical Reach.
Perkins Self Retaining Retractor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Perkins Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized instrument commonly used for prying open small incisions with minimal damage to surrounding tissues. Commonly used during vascular grafts, neurology and orthopedic surgeries.
- Solid Prong For Smooth Traction
- Serrated Edges To prevent Slippage
- Finger Ring Handles For Comfortable Handling
Caspar Self Retaining Retractor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Caspar Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used for retracting smaller incisions and tough tissues. Commonly used during orthopedic and neurosurgical procedures.
- Detachable Lateral Blades For Optimum Retraction
- Dual Semi-Sharp/Caspar Prongs For Secure Grip
- Ergonomic Design For Comfortable Handling
Showing 1–10 of 45 results
Adson (Cone) Self Retaining Retractor
(0 Reviews)
Adson (Cone) Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized device that general, orthopaedic and neurosurgeons commonly use to retract heavy layers of muscles, especially to expose the dorsal spine.
- Blunt & Sharp Prongs to Suit All Applications.
- Hinged Shanks Promoting Maximum Mobility.
- Elongated Shanks Ensuring Deep Surgical Reach.
Adson Hinged Self Retaining Retractor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Adson Hinged Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized instrument commonly used for retraction of tissues. It is frequently used during complex surgeries to broaden surgical view. It is commonly employed during general as well as neurological procedures.
- Hinged Shanks For Versatile Movement
- Blunt Tips To protect Soft Tissue From Damage
- Ergonomic Design for Superior Control
Adson Self Retaining Retractor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Adson Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used to pry open large incisions during a variety of surgical procedures. It is frequently used in neurological and general surgeries for controlled traction.
- Hooked Prongs For Better Grip
- Sharp/Blunt Edges For Appropriate Dissection
- Ergonomic Finger Ring Handles For Superior Control
Allport Wound Spreader
(0 Reviews)
Allport Wound Spreader is a specialized device that general and orthopaedic surgeons use to grasp, retract and manipulate the edges of wounds and incisions, in order to spread the space between them and localize surgical targets with ease.
- 4 x 4 Curved Sharp Prongs for Optimal Retraction.
- Adjustment Screw to Self-Lock the Prongs.
- Compound Action Joint Ensuring Smooth Movements.
Alm Wound Spreader
(0 Reviews)
Alm Wound Spreader is a specialized device that general and orthopaedic surgeons commonly use to preserve the space between the margins of surgical wounds, in order to improve the view of the surgical site.
- 4 x 4 Prongs Ensuring Large Wound Spreading.
- Straight Arms for Enhanced Surgical Sightlines.
- Compound Action Joint for Smooth Retraction Movements.
Anderson-Adson Self Retaining Retractor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Anderson-Adson Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized instrument commonly used to pry open medium sized incisions. It is frequently used during general surgery as well as neuro and spinal surgeries to access deeper structures.
- Long Jaws For Better Access To Tissues
- Hooked Ends For Secure Grip
- Light Weight For Comfortable Handling
Beckmann Self Retaining Retractor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Beckmann Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized surgical instrument often used for its sharp stable grip to retract delicate as well as fibrous tissue incisions. It is frequently used in general, neurological and spinal surgeries to provide better surgical access.
- Sharp Prongs To Prevent Slippage
- Curved Jaws For Better Access
- Ergonomic Finger Ring Handles To Enhance User Comfort
Beckmann-Adson Self Retaining Retractor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Beckmann-Adson Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used during various procedures to retract incisions. It improves the surgical view and allows the surgeon better access for surgical maneuvers. Commonly used in neurology surgeries, spinal surgery, orthopedic and general procedures.
- Multiple Tip Configurations For Ideal Use
- Hinged Shanks For Improved Placement
- Streamlined Design For Superior Control
Beckmann-Eaton Self Retaining Retractor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Beckmann-Eaton Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized instrument commonly used to retract large incisions with ease. It is frequently employed during various neurological procedures, spinal surgeries as well as general and orthopedic surgeries.
- Hinged Shanks For Comfortable Placement Of Instrument
- 7 Prongs Allow Easy Manipulation Of Large Incisions
- Light Weight For Comfortable Handling
Buckley Wound Spreader
(0 Reviews)
Buckley Wound Spreader is a specialized device that general and orthopaedic surgeons use to grasp, retract and manipulate the edges of wounds and incisions, in order to spread the space between them and localize surgical targets with ease.
- Sharp Prongs Design to Traverse Tissues with Ease.
- Adjustment Screw Promoting Self-Retaining Action.
- Ergonomic Finger Plates Ensuring Superior Handling.