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Showing 61–70 of 1001 results

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Beyer Bone Rongeur

(0 Reviews)
Beyer Bone Rongeur is a specialized surgical tool that orthopedic and neurosurgeons commonly use for cutting off small pieces of bone and other adnexal tissue, in order to gain access to the tissues underlying the desired bone surface.
  • Sharp Tips Granting Atraumatic Bone Gouging.
  • Compound Action Joint for Enhanced Torque Action.
  • Ergonomic Plier Style Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Bier Amputation Saw

(0 Reviews)
Bier Amputation Saw allows surgeons to cut conveniently through bones in orthopedic surgeries.
  • Ring handle for firm and controlled manipulations.
  • Long profile for deep surgical access.
  • Several blades available for wide surgical indications.

Bircher-Ganske Cartilage Seizing Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Bircher-Ganske Cartilage Seizing Forcep is a specialized surgical tool that orthopedic surgeons commonly use to manipulate cartilages from articular surfaces and certain bone structures, in order to perform joint repairing procedures.
  • Deep Teeth Granting Strong Grasping.
  • Ratchet Mechanism for Static Action.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Enhanced Handling.

Bird Beak Plier

(0 Reviews)
The ® Bird Beak Plier is the most commonly used orthodontic instrument used to bend and shape arch wires up to 0.76 mm in thickness.
  • Tungsten-Carbide Fused Edges For Maximum Durability
  • Ergonomically Designed Handles To Decrease Fatigue
  • Light Weight For Maximum Comfort
TC Inserts For Impeccable Gripping

Bird Beak Plier With Cutter

(0 Reviews)
The ® Bird Beak Plier With Cutter is an orthodontic instrument used to bend and shape arch wires up to 0.64 mm in thickness. It is also equipped with a sharp cutter to cut excess lengths of wires.
  • Tungsten-Carbide Fused Beaks & Cutting Edge For Maximum Durability
  • Ergonomically Designed Handles To Decrease Fatigue
  • Light Weight For Maximum Comfort
Tungsten Carbide Inserts Enabling 6x Performance

Birkett Artery Forcep

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Birkett Artery Forcep is a specialized device that surgeons in different areas can use to manipulate blood vessels, clamp their lumen and control the blood flow, in order to achieve adequate haemostasis.
  • Inner Serrations to Achieve an Excellent Grip.
  • Tapered Jaws Ensuring Narrow Surgical Access.
  • Ratchet System for Self-Retaining Clamping.

Bisturí para Menisco de Salenius

(0 Reviews)
Bisturí para Menisco de Salenius es un instrumento de uso ortopédico —especializado para cirugías de rodilla— que facilita la realización de cortes atraumáticos al tejido cartilaginoso del menisco.
  • Hoja Puntiaguda para Cortes Precisos y Pequeños.
  • Disponible en Modelos Curvados a la Derecha e Izquierda.
  • Manejo Excelente Gracias a su Mango Ligero.

Blade for Bier Amputation Saw

(0 Reviews)
The Blade for Bier Amputation Saw is widely used by general and orthopedic surgeons to amputate the fibula and tibia bones below the knee in bone cutting procedures.
  • Long and narrow blade for deep surgical access.
  • Serrations on one edge to produce clean cuts.
  • Premium stainless steel materials for reliable service.

Blade for Charriere Amputation Saw

(0 Reviews)
The Charriere Amputation Blade assists orthopedic surgeons to cut bones in amputation procedures.
  • Long profile for deep surgical access.
  • Easy attachment to Charriere Amputation Handle for convenience and efficiency.
  • Sharp stainless steel serrations for resilient bone cutting function.

Blount Knee Retractor

(0 Reviews)
Blount Knee Retractor is a specialized surgical tool that orthopedic surgeons commonly use for pulling and holding back the knee’s adnexal tissues, in order to gain an exceptional exposure of the surgical field.
  • Long Narrow Blade Granting Access to Tight Spaces.
  • Atraumatic Smooth Surfaces for Minimizing Local Damage.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
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