Showing 221–230 of 1001 results
Derf Needle Holder
(0 Reviews)
Derf Needle Holders help surgeons to handle and insert suture needles during wound closures.
- Serrated Jaws With Groove For Non-Slip Grips.
- Ratcheted Finger Ring Handles To Offer Self-Retaining Clamps.
- Stainless Steel And Tungsten Carbide Inserts To Suit Your Surgical Indications.
Deschamps Ligature Needle
(0 Reviews)
Deschamps Ligature Needle is a specialized device that surgeons in multiple areas use to place, mobilize and tie suture threads around blood vessels or aneurysms, in order to achieve adequate haemostasis.
- Left & Right-Handed Profiles to Suit All Applications.
- Tip with Eye for Controlled Ligature Manipulation.
- Ergonomic Hollow Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
Desmarres Lid Retractor
(0 Reviews)
Desmarres Lid Retractor is a hand-held instrument that allows surgeons to retract the desired eyelid from an individual approach during a broad range of ophthalmologic surgeries.
- Different Blade Sizes For Approaching Multiple Retraction Angles
- Concave Blade To Follow Up The Anatomy Of The Eye And Avoid Injury
- Ergonomic Long Handle For Ensuring Superior Surgical Control
Diamond Pin and Wire Cutters
(0 Reviews)
The Diamond Pin and Wire Cutters are used to trim pins and wires to the desired length in orthopedic procedures.
- Curved Grip Handles For Comfort And Dexterity.
- Long Profile For Deep Surgical Access.
- Sharp Tungsten Carbide Jaws For Reliable Cutting Function.
Dingmann Cartilage Seizing Forcep
(0 Reviews)
Dingmann Cartilage Seizing Forcep is a specialized surgical tool that orthopedic surgeons frequently use to grasp, retract and hold back cartilages and other tissues, especially during bone fracture repairing and joint surgery.
- 1 x 2 Toothed Tips Granting Secure Grasps.
- Atraumatic Serrated Jaws for Avoiding Local Damage.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Handling.
Dissecting and Ligature Forcep
(0 Reviews)
Dissecting and Ligature Forcep is a specialized device that surgeons in different areas use to broaden surgical incisions, carry suture threads and clamp blood vessels and other soft tissues.
- Inner Serrated Jaws Promoting Safe Manipulation.
- Tapered Working End to Traverse Narrow Spaces.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Optimal Handling.
Dissecting Forcep
(0 Reviews)
The ® Dissecting Forcep is a multipurpose dissecting forceps commonly used for dissecting internal tissues. It is ideal for surgeries requiring exceptional precision and fine manipulation. It is often used during ophthalmic, Maxillofacial and other complex surgeries.
- Narrow Blades For Precise Dissection
- Spring Joint For Comfortable Handling
- Serrated Thumb Grips For Secure Grasp
Dissecting Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Dissecting Scissor is a multipurpose instrument used in a variety of surgeries for blunt and sharp dissection. The versatile design help surgeons dissect dense and delicate tissues alike with minimal effort.
- Blunt Tips To Prevent Inadvertent Soft Tissue Damage
- Beveled Blades To Increase Precision Of Dissection
- Long Shanks For Deep Tissue Access
Distractor para Vértebras de Caspar
(0 Reviews)
Distractor para Vértebras de Caspar es un instrumento neuroquirúrgico que permite separar dos cuerpos vertebrales —por lo general de la columna cervical— a fin de exponer el campo quirúrgico en cirugías de disco.
- Brazos Angulados que Optimizan el Acceso a la Columna.
- Modelos con Orientación a la Izquierda o Derecha.
- Barra con Trinquete para Retracciones Autoestáticas.
Disyuntor de Paladar de Turvey
(0 Reviews)
Disyuntor de Paladar de Turvey es un instrumento especializado que permite separar la sutura palatina, a fin de ganar acceso a regiones más profundas del cráneo.
- Hojas Dentadas que Incrementan la Fijación.
- Mecanismo de Resorte para Aperturas Controladas.
- Agarre Firme Gracias a sus Mangos Ergonómicos.