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Showing 341–350 of 565 results

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Lacrimal Cannula

(0 Reviews)
Lacrimal Cannula is a specialized instrument that ophthalmic surgeons use to access the lacrimal canaliculus and the nasolacrimal duct, in order to explore and treat duct blockage to permit an adequate tear flow.
  • Blunt-Edged Tip to Prevent Local Injury.
  • Curved & Straight Patterns to Fit All Appliacations.
  • Ergonomic Hub Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Lambert Chalazion Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Lambert Chalazion Forcep is a specialized surgical device that ophthalmic surgeons can use for exposing chalazion and grasp it, looking towards its further drainage and removal from the inner surface of the eyelid.
  • Atraumatic Fenestrated Round Tip For Isolating The Chalazion.
  • Adjustable Screw Lock Mechanism For Atraumatic Clamping.
  • Ergonomic Flat Handles For Superior Control.

Lancaster Eye Speculum

(0 Reviews)
Lancaster Eye Speculum is a specialized tool that ophthalmic surgeons commonly use to statically retract the upper and lower eyelids, in order to gain an optimal view of the surgical field.
  • Solid Blade Ensuring Maximum Retraction.
  • Slightly Curved Arms to Fit the Facial Contour.
  • 16mm Blade Size for Treating Adult Patients.

Langenbeck-Green Retractor

(0 Reviews)
Langenbeck-Green Retractor is a very popular surgical device that allows surgeons to pull back soft tissues and incision or wound edges during a wide range of general surgeries.
  • Versatile L-Shaped Tip For Retracting Wide Slices Of Tissue
  • Terminal Downward Curve For Protecting Surrounding Structures.
  • Ergonomic Ridged Handle For Maximum Surgical Control

LASEK Alcohol Cannula

(0 Reviews)
LASEK Alcohol Cannula is a specialized device that ophthalmic surgeons can use to flush an 18-20% alcohol diluted solution over the corneal surface, in order to produce an atraumatic detachment of the corneal superficial epithelium during LASEK.
  • Olive-Shaped Tip Promoting Atraumatic Manipulation.
  • Angled Design for Enhanced Sightlines.
  • Ergonomic Hub Handle Ensuring Optimal Gripping.

LASEK Disector de Sloane

(0 Reviews)
LASEK Disector de Sloane es un instrumento oftalmológico que los cirujanos usan para manipular y ejecutar cortes en la córnea, para así exponer el estroma y permitir la ablación láser.
  • Punta Semiafilada que Previene Lesiones Locales.
  • Vástago Pequeño para Alcanzar Zonas Estrechas.
  • Manejo Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.

LASEK Epi Peeler de Sloane

(0 Reviews)
LASEK Epi Peeler de Sloane es un instrumento oftalmológico especializado que permite la reacomodación del tejido corneal a su posición anatómica después del remodelado del estroma.
  • Punta Semiafilada para Evitar Lesiones.
  • Vástago Delgado para Alcance Optimizado.
  • Manejo Impecable Gracias a su Mango Estriado.

LASEK Repositor de Colgajo de Sloane

(0 Reviews)
LASEK Repositor de Colgajo de Sloane es un instrumento oftalmológico que permite reposicionar la solapa de tejido corneal a su ubicación anatómica luego de la ablación por láser.
  • Espátula Curvada para Manipular el Colgajo.
  • Vástago Delgado para Alcance Excepcional.
  • Manejo Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.

LASIK Espátula de Guimaraes

(0 Reviews)
LASIK Espátula de Guimaraes es un instrumento oftalmológico que sirve para seccionar, elevar y reposicionar el colgajo de la córnea, a fin de ganar acceso al estroma corneal y a la cámara anterior.
  • Punta Afilada para Incisiones Precisas.
  • Extremo Curvado que Facilita el Abordaje.
  • Manejo Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.

LASIK Flap Manipulator

(0 Reviews)
LASIK Flap Manipulator is a specialized surgical device that ophthalmic surgeons can use to reposit the corneal flap into its original position, especially during LASIK procedures.
  • Atraumatic Olive-Shaped Tip For Avoiding Local Injury.
  • Angled Tapering Shank For Fitting The Cornea's Contour.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Enhanced Maneuverability.
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