Bestsellers in Scissors
Noyes Iris Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Noyes Iris Scissor is a multi-functional scissor that is commonly used for precision surgeries. It is preferred by surgeons during specialized procedures including iridotomy, muscle resection as well as other ocular, ENT and plastic surgeries.
- Multiple Tip Configurations For Appropriate Dissection
- Short Blades To Increase Precison
- Serrated Handles For Secure Grip
Bellucci Micro Scissors
(0 Reviews)
Severing Minute Structures is a specialized ENT instrument that surgeons commonly use to perform extra-delicate cuts in the middle ear’s delicate tissues, especially during stapedectomy.
- Very Fine Sharp Edge for Atraumatic Cutting.
- 4.0mm Tip Size for Severing Small Tendons.
- 0.8mm Jaws Width for Passing into Narrow Spaces.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Handling.
Westcott Stitch Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Westcott Stitch Scissor is a specialized ophthalmic instrument that is commonly used for sharp dissection with precision. It is also used during other micro-surgical procedures.
- Serrated Shanks To Improve Grip
- Short Blades For Precision
- Small Blade to Shank Ratio For Better Control
Katzin Corneal Transplant Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Katzin Corneal Transplant Scissor is a specialized instrument especially used in ocular surgeries to dissect corneal tissue during a corneal graft. It is also employed in other ocular surgeries as well as micro-surgical procedures.
- Smooth Angled Blades For Precise Dissection
- Fenestrations For Better Grip
- Streamlined Design for Comfortable Handling
Potts (Jacobson) Micro Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Potts (Jacobson) Micro Scissor is a multipurpose instrument commonly used to access hard to reach places for delicate tissue dissection. It is commonly used during microsurgery, neurosurgery, cardiovascular procedures and spinal surgeries.
- Delicate Blades For Precise Dissection
- Bayonet Shaped Shanks For Improved Visibility
- Streamlined Design For Comfortable Handling
Biemer Vein Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Biemer Vein Scissor is a specialized instrument used for grasping and gutting delicate vascular tissue. It is often used in micro-surgical procedures during ophthalmic and cardiovascular surgeries.
- Notched Blades For Precise Grip
- Double Spring Handle For Comfortable Handling
- Short Blades To Shank Ratio For Accurate Dissection
Westcott Tenotomy Scissor
(0 Reviews)
® Westcott Tenotomy Scissor is a specialized instrument used for blunt dissection of delicate ocular tissue. They are also used for precise cutting of delicate tissue during micro-surgeries.
- Curved Blades To Increase Accuracy
- Spring Handles For Fast Action
- Streamlined Design For Comfortable Handling
Showing 1–10 of 41 results
Adventitia Micro Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Adventitia Micro Scissor is a multipurpose instrument which is often used in complicated surgeries for appropriate dissection of delicate tissue. It is commonly used in neuro surgeries, ophthalmic procedures and cardiovascular procedures.
- Beveled Blades To Enhance Cutting Performance
- Sharp/Blunt Tips For Appropriate Dissection
- Streamlined Design For Better Control
Barraquer Iris Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Barraquer Iris Scissor is a specialized instrument that is used for sharp dissection during micro-surgical procedures. It is often used in ocular surgeries for precise dissection and grasping of tissues especially the iris.
- Angled Blades To Increase Access To Tight Corners
- Thumb Extensions For Comfortable Handling
- Screw Lock For Better Control
Bellucci Micro Scissors
(0 Reviews)
Severing Minute Structures is a specialized ENT instrument that surgeons commonly use to perform extra-delicate cuts in the middle ear’s delicate tissues, especially during stapedectomy.
- Very Fine Sharp Edge for Atraumatic Cutting.
- 4.0mm Tip Size for Severing Small Tendons.
- 0.8mm Jaws Width for Passing into Narrow Spaces.
- Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Handling.
Biemer Vein Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Biemer Vein Scissor is a specialized instrument used for grasping and gutting delicate vascular tissue. It is often used in micro-surgical procedures during ophthalmic and cardiovascular surgeries.
- Notched Blades For Precise Grip
- Double Spring Handle For Comfortable Handling
- Short Blades To Shank Ratio For Accurate Dissection
Castroviejo Corneoscleral Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Castroviejo Corneoscleral Scissor is a specialized ophthalmic instrument that is used during cataract surgery, iridotomy and other ocular procedures. It is commonly used for sharp dissection during many micro-surgeries.
- Extremely Delicate Blades For Super Fine Dissection
- Angled Blades For Better Access
- Fenestrated Handles For Improved Grip
Castroviejo Keratoplasty Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Castroviejo Keratoplasty Scissor is a specialized ophthalmic instrument used for blunt dissection and cutting of ocular tissue. It is especially preferred during corneal grafts, keratoplasty, iridotomy as well as other micro-surgeries.
- Angled Blades To Increase Access To Tight Corners
- Narrow Blades For Fine Dissection
- Streamlined Design For Comfortable Handling
Castroviejo Universal Corneal Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Castroviejo Universal Corneal Scissor is a specialized instrument commonly used during ocular surgeries for blunt dissection. It is used for precise dissection of fine tissue during corneal grafts as well as other micro-surgical procedures.
- Blunt Tips For Soft Tissue Protection
- Angled Blades For Access To Tight Corners
- Short Blades To Increase Precision
Fine Micro Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Fine Micro Scissor is a specialized ophthalmic instrument used for variety of fine dissections during micro-surgeries. It is commonly used during corneal keratoplasty, iridotomy, squint repair as well as other surgeries.
- Delicate Blades For Precise Dissection
- Fenestrated Handles For Secure Grip
- Streamlined Design For Comfortable Handling
Flat Handle Micro Scissors
(0 Reviews)
The ® Flat Handle Micro Scissors is a specialized instrument which is commonly used for sharp dissection of delicate structures. It is preferred by surgeons for iridotomy, other ocular surgeries, vessel grafting, as well as ENT and plastic procedures.
- Tiny Blades For Precise Dissection
- Flat Serrated Handle For Secure Grip
- Light Weight For Comfortable Handling
Gills Capsulotomy Scissor
(0 Reviews)
The ® Gills Capsulotomy Scissor is a specialized instrument commonly used during micro-dissection. It is often used by surgeons to split open the lens capsule during capsulotomy and during fine dissection of ocular structures during other ophthalmic surgeries.
- Hook Like Blades For Accurate Dissection
- Spring Lock For Fact Actions
- Light Weight For Comfortable Handling