Showing 21–30 of 31 results
Perfection Type Bed Pan
(0 Reviews)
Perfection Type Bed Pan is a specialized device that the medical staff uses to contain bedridden patients’ faeces and urine, especially when they’re temporarily or permanently confined to a bed.
- Toilet-Like Seat for Fitting Under Bedridden Patients.
- Lightweight Profile Promoting Easy Conveyance.
- Ergonomic Design Ensuring Maximum Comfort.
Petri Dish
(0 Reviews)
Petri Dish is a specialized accessory tool that the surgical staff can use to hold small objects, flat instruments and biological samples for microscopical analysis.
- Rectangular Design for Easy Manipulation.
- Round Corners to Save Space in the Operating Table.
- Flat-Bottomed Design Ensuring Exceptional Holding.
Placenta Pan with Cover
(0 Reviews)
Placenta Pan with Cover is a specialized surgical device that gynaecological, obstetrics and general surgeons use to receive and hold the placenta once natural birth has taken place.
- Flattened Hollow Profile for Optimal Conveyance.
- Anatomically Shaped to Hold the Placenta with Ease.
- Ergonomic Hollow Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
Round Type Bed Pan
(0 Reviews)
Round Type Bed Pan is a specialized device that the medical staff uses to contain bedridden patients’ faeces and urine, especially when they’re temporarily or permanently confined to a bed.
- Flattened Profile for Optimal Conveyance.
- Ergonomic Hollow Handle Promoting Superior Control.
- Cover with Knob Ensuring Easy Manipualtion.
Soporte de Kickabout con Bol
(0 Reviews)
Soporte de Kickabout con Bol es un dispositivo especializado que permite cargar y transportar instrumentos estériles o usados, así como también materiales o tejidos descartados para su posterior desecho.
- Marco Circular para Sujetar el Bol.
- Anillos de Seguridad que Potencia la Estabilidad.
- Ruedas Rotativas para un Transporte Óptimo.
- Diámetro de Ø360 x 210mm.
Soporte de Kickabout con Cubeta
(0 Reviews)
Soporte de Kickabout con Cubeta es un instrumento quirúrgico que permite transportar instrumental estéril o usado, fluidos, materiales de desecho y otros residuos de la cirugía.
- Cubeta con 12 Litros de Capacidad.
- Marco Circular para Sujetar la Cubeta.
- Ruedas Rotativas que Optimizan el Transporte.
Spirit Lamp
(0 Reviews)
Spirit Lamp is a specialized device that the laboratory staff commonly uses to light up an open flame from different chemical solutions, such as denatured alcohol, methylated spirits and isopropanol.
- 120ccm Capacity for Optimal Volume Holding.
- 3 Different Patterns to Suit All Applications.
- Includes Cap for Extinguishing Flames with Safety.
Sputum Cup
(0 Reviews)
Sputum Cup is a specialized device that the medical staff uses to collect samples of sputum from patients with a productive cough.
- Cylindrical Structure to Reduce Storage Space.
- Versatile Lid for Protecting the Sputum Collection.
- Ergonomic Hollow Handle Ensuring Optimal Control.
Stainless Steel Basin
(0 Reviews)
Stainless Steel Basin is a specialized device that surgeons in every area can use to withhold waste fluids product of the operation or clean fluids for washing instruments and the surgeon’s hands.
- Circular Shape to Fit on Multiple Frames.
- 750 to 14000ccm Capacities to Suit All Applications.
- Flattened Hollow Profile for Enhanced Fluid Holding.
Tablet Tray
(0 Reviews)
Tablet Tray is a specialized device that the medical staff uses for holding and mobilizing small instruments, swabs and other surgical materials, in order to place them at disposal of the surgeons.
- Smooth Surface Promoting Easy Cleaning.
- Lightweight Design Ensuring Comfortable Carrying.
- Flat Profile for Reducing Storage Space.