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Showing 471–480 of 952 results

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La Grange Gum Scissor

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The ® La Grange Gum Scissor is a specialized instrument used for sharp dissection of delicate tissues. It is especially used to dissect gum tissue as well as granulation tissue during gingivectomy and other ENT procedures.
  • Serrated Blade For Secure Grip On Tissues
  • Curved Profile To Better Contort To Soft Tissues
  • Ring Handles For Superior Control

Laborde Tracheal Dilator

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Laborde Tracheal Dilator assists surgeons to make critical tracheotomy incisions in order to treat upper airway obstructions. The device helps dilate the trachea and facilitate the introduction of the tracheotomy tube. In tracheotomy, surgeons make an opening in the anterior wall of the trachea to bypass obstructions in the upper airways or to manage chronic breathing problems. The procedure can be performed in an elective manner, but emergency obstruction require urgent tracheotomy. The surgeons perform a high, mid or low tracheal incision after displacing the strap muscles and thyroid isthmus.
  • Ratcheted handles for control and comfort.
  • Three prongs to ensure uniform tissue separation.
  • Long profile for deep surgical access.

LaForce Adenotome

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The LaForce Adenotome is used for the excision of adenoid tissues from the pharynx. The surgeon passes the adenotome through the oral cavity to cut the tissues in the back of the throat.
  • Three finger rings for control and dexterity.
  • Curved shaft for optimal pharyngeal and visual access.
  • Protective guard to prevent injury to surrounding tissues.
  • Cage available to minimize the risk of aspiration.

Lahey Goitre Grasping Forcep

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Lahey Goitre Grasping Forcep assists surgeons to separate and dissect perithyroid tissues in goitre surgeries. For instance, they hold and cut the tissues related to the superior thyroid pedicle.
  • Capacious Finger Rings For Controlled Movements.
  • Ratchet Locks For Self-Retaining Clamps.
  • Two Profiles Available For Diverse Approaches.

Lambotte Bone Osteotome

(0 Reviews)
Lambotte Bone Osteotome is a specialized surgical tool that orthopedic surgeons can use to cut, sculpture and reshaped hard compact bone, especially during osteotomy and fracture repairing.
  • Atraumatic Beveled Working End for Minimizing Local Injury.
  • Straight & Curved Tip Designs for Accessing Narrow Spaces.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle For Superior Control.

Landolt Dissecting Suction Tube

(0 Reviews)
Landolt Dissecting Suction Tube is a specialized device that ENT, maxillofacial and plastic surgeons use to cut perichondrium or other soft tissues, and also to aspire blood or debris during rhinoplasty and other procedures.
  • 3.2mm Working End Size to Reach Small Cavities.
  • Angled Tube Profile to Suit All Applications.
  • Sharp Port Edge Ensuring Soft Tissue Dissection.

Lane Retractor

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Lane Retractor is a multipurpose surgical tool that allows surgeons to manipulate soft tissues and wound edges, pulling them apart from the operating site and thereby enlarging the surgical view.
  • Atraumatic L-Shaped Blades For Retracting Multiple Tissue Layers.
  • Entirely Flat Outline For Easy Access Into Narrow Spaces.
  • Resilient Central Handle For Performing Strong Tractions.

Lane Towel Clamp

(0 Reviews)
Lane Towel Clamp is a specialized device that surgeons in different areas use to statically hold sterile drapes around the operative field, in order to enhance the sightlines and prevent infection.
  • Toothed Jaw Edges to Minimize Skin Trauma.
  • Fenestrated Design for Enhanced Gripping.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Promoting Maximum Control.
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