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Sostenedor de N ºcleo de Escaf

Sostenedor de N ºcleo de Escaf es un instrumento oftalmol ³gico que los cirujanos usan para rotar y sostener el lente del n ºcleo en la mejor posici ³n para fragmentarlo, en especial durante cirug ­as especializadas de cataratas.

  • Punta Esf ©rica para Manipulaciones Impecables.
  • Superficie Inferior Texturizada para Mayor Fijaci ³n.
  • Excelente Manejo Gracias a su Mango Ergon ³mico.


El Sostenedor de N ºcleo de Escaf brinda un amplio abanico de ventajas durante el acto operatorio. Su funci ³n principal consiste en maniobrar el cristalino sin causar lesiones locales.

Para tal fin, el dispositivo cuenta con una punta esf ©rica provista de una superficie texturizada. Esta caracter ­stica es vital para lograr una fijaci ³n excepcional al cristalino durante la fragmentaci ³n. Adem ¡s, sirve como soporte para el prechoper o alg ºn otro instrumento.

Nuestro Sostenedor de N ºcleo de Escaf ostenta un v ¡stago delgado provisto de dos ¡ngulos. Este dise ±o es ideal para acceder al segmento anterior del ojo sin mayores dificultades.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de excelente calidad con un acabado mate que evita reflejos de luz.

Author Name

Escaf, Escaf


Ancillary Products and Accessories, Ancillary Products and Accessories

Working End Details

Punta de Bola Lisa con Superficie Interna Texturizada, Smooth Ball Tip With Textured Interior Surface

Handle Type

Mango S ³lido Redondeado, Solid Round Handle

Overall Length

12 cm – 4 3/4″, 12 cm – 4 3/4


Satinado, Satin


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: Ophthalmic,
Product Category: Ancillary Products and Accessories,
Product Type:


Amalgam Well

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Bunnell Tendon Stripper

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Bunnell Tendon Stripper is a specialized orthopedic tool that surgeons can use for striping down, withdrawing and removing tendons, especially during tendon injury repairing procedures.
  • Circular-Shaped Blade for Threading Tendons.
  • Atraumatic Semi-Sharp Edges for Scraping Tendinous Tissue.
  • Ergonomic Knurling Grip Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Doyen Myoma Screw

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The Doyen Myoma Screw is a specialized gynecological instrument used to dig out and remove myomas from the uterine cavity. It is especially useful for small and medium sized fibromas.
  • Bar Handle For Comfortable Handling
  • Light Weight To Decrease User Fatigue
  • Sharp Tip For Easy Insertion

Hatchets Fig. 8/9H

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Langenbeck Finger Protector

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Langenbeck Finger Protector is a specialized surgical device that oral & maxillofacial surgeons commonly use to protect their middle finger during surgery, in order to prevent accidental puncture or cutting in deep surgical techniques.
  • Curved Outline Promoting Surgical Comfort.
  • Hollow Cylindrical Design to Insert the Index with Ease.
  • 18.0 to 22.0mm Diameters to Suit All Finger Sizes.

Membrane Placement Instrument

(0 Reviews)
The Membrane Placement Instrument is a specialized dental instrument used to adapt membranes and fix stabilizing tacks on them during bone graft surgeries.
  • Diamond Pattern Knurled Handle For An Optimum Grip
  • Ergonomic, Round, Hollow & Light Weight Handles For Maximum Comfort & Minimizing The Risk Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Double Ended, With One Flat, Curved Blade For Adaptation & One Straight Pointed Blade To Fix Tacks
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