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Museux Uterine Tenaculum Forcep

Museux Uterine Tenaculum Forcep is a specialized OB/GYN instrument that surgeons frequently use to grasp, hold and mobilize the uterus and its adnexal tissues, in order to expose the surgical field and permit tissue dissection.

  • 2 x 2 Curved Prongs for Excellent Grasping Action.
  • Ratchet System for Self-Locking the Jaws.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Control


The Museux Uterine Tenaculum Forcep offers a wide range of benefits for OB/GYN surgeons. Its principal use is to manipulate the uterus for performing hysterectomies, endometrial biopsies and other procedures.

For this purpose, the instrument features double-pronged jaws that ensure exceptional fixation onto tissues. In addition, the overlapping prongs include a small curve for accommodating the uterus with ease.

Moreover, all our Museux Uterine Tenaculum Forcep have a boxlock joint. This feature allows for closing the prongs against each other with smooth movements. Also, the finger rings provide enhanced gripping and minimize surgical fatigue.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel to ensure the highest quality and product performance during surgical procedures.

Author Name



Gynecology & Obstetrics


Tenaculum Forceps


Forceps, Haemostats & Clamps

Working End Details

2 x 2 Teeth

Handle Type

Ring Handle

Joint Type

Box Joint

Overall Length

20 cm – 8″




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Gynecology & Obstetrics,
Product Category: Forceps,
Haemostats & Clamps,
Product Type: Tenaculum Forceps,


Hunt Chalazion Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Hunt Chalazion Forcep is an ophthalmic surgical device that surgeons commonly use to engage and clamp chalazion, looking towards its drainage and further removal from the inner surface of the eyelid.
  • Atraumatic Fenestrated Round Blade For Isolating Chalazion.
  • Adjustable Screw Lock Mechanism For Controlling The Blades Closure.
  • Ergonomic Flat Handles For Enhanced Gripping.

Knight Septum Forceps

(0 Reviews)
Knight Septum Forceps assists rhinologists to manipulate and dissect nasal tissues during septum and turbinectomy procedures.
  • Capacious finger rings for optimal dexterity and comfort.
  • Fenestrated jaws for firm and delicate grips.
  • Angled shafts for ideal visual and surgical access.

Magill Catheter Introducing Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Magill Catheter Introducing Forcep is a specialized device that ENT surgeons use to grasp, hold and introduce small catheters into the trachea, in order to ventilate the lungs.
  • Loop-Shaped Jaws Ensuring Optimal Clamping Action.
  • Serrated Surfaces to Minimize Local Injury.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Promoting Superior Handling.

Mod. USA Pattern Dressing Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Mod. USA Pattern Dressing Forcep is a popular surgical instrument that surgeons in multiple areas use for grasping, holding and mobilizing dressings of all sizes, in order to pack wounds, control hemostasis and absorb fluids.
  • Serrated Tips for Extremely Firm Grasps.
  • Wide Range of Sizes for Suiting All Applications.
  • Spring Style Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Radolf Nail Extracting Forceps

(0 Reviews)
Radolf Nail Extracting Forceps is a hand-held device that podiatry and orthopaedic specialists use to remove ingrown or diseased nails from the toes.
  • Toothed Surfaces for Enhanced Gripping.
  • Straight Jaws to Ensure Extracting Precision.
  • Ergonomic Handle with Ridges to Prevent Slippage.

Simpson-Luikart Obstetrical Forceps

(0 Reviews)
Simpson-Luikart Obstetrical Forceps is used to expedite delivery during prolonged labor. That forceps is also used during shoulder dystocia, fetal distress and meconium staining of the liquor.
  • Simpson-Luikart Forceps Has Curved Blades For A Safer Withdraw Of The Baby's Head.
  • With Grooved Handles For A Better Grip.
  • The Cephalic Blades Are Helpful For An Ideal Occiput Anterior Position.
  • With An Overall Length Of 36 Cm To Accommodate A Wide Range Of Cases.

Treves Dissecting Forcep

(0 Reviews)
The Treves Dissecting Forcep is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used to manipulate delicate tissues as well as gauze and sutures during surgery. It is also used to remove debris from a wound during wound cleaning and packing gauze for hemostatic control. Commonly used in general, orthopedic as well as gynecological procedures.
  • Toothed Forceps For Secure Grip
  • Ergonomic Design For Superior Control
  • Serrated Thumb Grips To Prevent Slippage
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