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Good Tonsil Scissor

The ® Good Tonsil Scissor is a multipurpose surgical instrument used for blunt dissection of soft internal tissues. It is commonly used to dissect tonsils and to grasp soft and hard masses from the oral cavity during ENT procedures.

  • Curved Blades For Ease Of Access To Deep Tissues
  • Short Blades To Shanks Ratio For Better Control
  • Probe Pointed Blades To Prevent Inadvertent Soft Tissue Damage


Our Good Tonsil Scissor includes probe blades that are ideal for blunt dissection of tissues.

Dissects mucous membranes, muscle tissue, Internal organs as well as sutures.

Especially has triangular blades that provide support to dissected tissue. The thick blades easily grasp tissue for manipulation and removal.

In addition, the curved blades enable easy access to deep tissues.

The blunt probe tips of the operating scissor prevent adjacent soft tissue damage. Moreover, they are ideal for slowly dissecting through the tissue without piercing injuries.

Sharp dissecting edge enhances cutting performance. They also prevent tearing of surrounding tissue to prevent damage.

Includes short blades to shanks ratio. This gives surgeon better control over dissection.

The Good Tonsil Scissor has ergonomic ring handles which ensure comfortable handling. Moreover, the lightweight and streamlined body of instrument minimize user fatigue. This makes the instrument ideal for long procedures.

Made in premium quality stainless steel with satin finish to reduce glare. The instrument can be sterilized and reused.

Author Name





Tonsil Scissors



Working End Details

Probe Pointed Blades

Working End Profile


Handle Type

Ring Handle

Overall Length

19.5 cm – 7 3/4″




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: ENT,
Product Category: Scissors,
Product Type: Tonsil Scissors,


Russel-Davis Tongue Depressor

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Russel-Davis Tongue Depressor is a specialized instrument that dentists, ENT and maxillofacial surgeons can use to press down the tongue for avoiding its projection into the surgical field.
  • Slightly Curved Blade to Fit the Tongue's Contour.
  • Central Fenestration to Allow Fluid Aspiration.
  • Ridged Flat Handle for Assembly with Mouth Gags.

Segond Myoma Knife

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The ® Segond Myoma Knife is a specialized instrument commonly used for dissecting fibrous tissue in the uterus. It aids the myoma screw by dissecting and releasing the myoma masses from the surrounding uterine wall.
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Sluder-Ballenger Tonsillectome

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Sluder-Ballenger Tonsillectomes allow doctors to remove tonsils in an outpatient setting without intubation. It takes a shorter period than dissection tonsillectomy and results in less post-operative pain. However, it requires more vigilance to avoid unnecessary damage or tonsil remnants. In contrast, the dissection method of tonsillectomy makes a sharp incision in the anterior tonsillar pillar’s mucosa. Then, a snare helps to separate the lower pole of the tonsil.
  • Ergonomic Grip Handle For Controlled Cuts.
  • Perpendicular Shaft For Deep Surgical Reach.
  • Three Tonsillectome Blades Available.

Suction Raspatory

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Suction Raspatory is a multipurpose device that helps ENT, maxillofacial and plastic surgeons to smooth the edges of split bones and remove the residual bone particles without the need of changing between instruments.
  • 4.0 & 5.0mm Port Diameters for Aspiring Fluids.
  • Angled Profile Promoting Access into Deep Areas.
  • Lateral Grip Plate Ensuring Superior Handling.

Tubo de Succión Poole-Baby

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Tubo de Succión Poole-Baby es un instrumento especializado que permite la aspiración de sangre, pus, secreciones y residuos presentes en el sitio operatorio, en especial en cavidades pequeñas que ameriten drenaje de volúmenes grandes.
  • Multiperforado para Drenar Volúmenes Grandes.
  • Tubo de Ø5.5mm para Espacios Estrechos.
  • Acoplador para Conectar con el Sistema de Succión.

Weitlaner Self Retaining Retractor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Weitlaner Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized instrument commonly used to retract incisions for better surgical access. It does so with minimal damage to the underlying tissues. Commonly used in general, neurological, spinal and orthopedic surgeries.
  • Dual Blunt And Sharp Prongs For Ideal Manipulation
  • Curved blades For Better Tissue Access
  • Hooked Prongs For Secure Grip

Andrews-Pynchon Suction Tube

(0 Reviews)
Andrews-Pynchon Suction Tube is a specialized device that surgeons in multiple areas can use to remove fluid collections, blood and debris from the operating site, in order to view critical structures, such as blood vessels.
  • Curved Tube Profile for Enhanced Sightlines.
  • 2.0mm Front Port to Promote Smooth Suction.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle Ensuring Superior Control.
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