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Cuchillo Giratorio de Schuknecht

Cuchillo Giratorio de Schuknecht es un instrumento especializado que los cirujanos de oído usan para ejecutar incisiones endoaurales, a fin de acceder al oído medio y sus componentes óseos.

  • Hoja Giratoria para Incisiones Impecables.
  • Vástago Alargado para Alcanzar el Oído Medio.
  • Manejo Excelente Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.


El Cuchillo Giratorio de Schuknecht es un dispositivo de uso manual que aporta ventajas en cirugías otológicas. Su función principal consiste en proporcionar acceso al oído medio para realizar la estapedectomía u otros procedimientos.

De tal modo, el instrumento posee una hoja giratoria para ejecutar cortes multidireccionales en el oído. Además, su vástago es aerodinámico y delgado para atravesar el conducto auditivo externo con facilidad.

Nuestro Cuchillo Giratorio de Schuknecht también ostenta un mango ergonómico que optimiza el agarre. Su diseño exhibe superficies lisas que mejoran el desplazamiento de los dedos para crear los cortes con soltura.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de alta calidad, fácil de esterilizar, con un acabado mate que reduce los destellos de luz.

Author Name

Schuknecht, Schuknecht

Handle Type

Mango Sólido, Solid Handle

Overall Length

15 cm – 6″, 15 cm – 6


Satinado, Satin


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: ENT,
Product Category: Knives, Needles & Picks,
Product Type: Ear Knives,


Parker-Langenbeck Retractor

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Parker-Langenbeck Retractor is a multipurpose surgical device that assists surgeons in pulling back soft tissues and organs, and also in broadening wound edges or incisions during general surgery.
  • Double Ended Design For Reaching Superficial & Deep Tissues.
  • Atraumatic Blade Rims For Avoiding Haemorrhage.
  • Ergonomic Fenestrated Handle For Superior Control.

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The ® Potts Dissecting Scissor is a specialized dissecting scissor used for sharp dissection through delicate and fibrous tissues alike. Commonly used for dissecting through adhesions and cutting through facial planes in general and cardio thoracic surgery.
  • Rounded Tips For Minimally Traumatizing Dissection
  • Angled Blades For Better Access To Deep Tissues
  • Short Blades For Better Control Over Dissection

Roger Periosteal Elevator

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The Roger Periosteal Elevator assists nasal surgeons to separate tissue planes in nasal procedures. For instance, they lift the periosteum of bones to repair the septum during rhinoplasty surgeries.
  • Serrated Central Handle For Confident Grips.
  • Slender Shaft For A Clear Field Of Vision.
  • Two Blades For Convenient Dissections.

Scalpel Handle No.7K

(0 Reviews)
Scalpel Handle No. 7k is a longer version of the Scalpel Handle No. 7. They are used for holding and maneuvering blades.
  • Solid Handle In Satin Finish
  • Overall Length 12.5 cm – 5"
  • Ergonomic Design Enabling Secure Grip

Shapleigh Ear Curette

(0 Reviews)
Shapleigh Ear Curette is an instrument that is used to excise tissues as part of a biopsy or a cleaning procedure in ear surgeries.
  • Flat Handle For Controlled Movements.
  • Slender Neck For Deep Surgical Access.
  • Serrated Blade For Efficient Cuts.

Standard Dressing Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Standard Dressing Forcep is a hand-held device that surgeons in multiple areas can use to grasp and manipulate different types of wound dressings, in order to perform wound debridement and remove necrotic tissue from the wound’s surface.
  • Transverse Serrations Ensuring a Firm Grip.
  • Straight Jaws Profile for Enhanced Sightlines.
  • Ergonomic Spring Handle Promoting Superior Control.

Tieck-Halle Nasal Speculum

(0 Reviews)
Tieck-Halle Nasal Speculum assists doctors to perform rhinology examinations. They retract nasal walls and allow inspection of the cavities for diseases.
  • Serrated Grip Handles For Confident Manipulations.
  • Optimal Blade Design For Ideal Surgical Access.
  • Premium Grade Materials For Reliable Service.
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