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Blount Knee Retractor

Blount Knee Retractor is a specialized surgical tool that orthopedic surgeons commonly use for pulling and holding back the knee’s adnexal tissues, in order to gain an exceptional exposure of the surgical field.

  • Long Narrow Blade Granting Access to Tight Spaces.
  • Atraumatic Smooth Surfaces for Minimizing Local Damage.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.


The Blount Knee Retractor offers a wide array of surgical benefits. These benefits come in handy to perform knee arthroplasty and other procedures.

For instance, the instrument comes with a narrow, long blade that resembles the shape of a duckbill. Moreover, the unique outline of the blade adapts to the knee joint exceptionally. As a result, surgeons can retract ligaments, tendons and other tissues for gaining view.

In addition, the device features a solid, flat handle with a smooth surface. This particular feature secures a firm grip and reduces finger strain.

All our Blount Knee Retractors are available in premium grade stainless steel with a fine satin finish.

Author Name





Bone Retractors, Hand Held Retractors


Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas

Handle Type

Solid Handle

Overall Length

17.5 cm – 7″




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Orthopedic,
Product Category: Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas,
Product Type: Bone Retractors,
Hand Held Retractors,


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  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
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  • Ergonomic Solid Handle For Maximum Control.

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