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Aufricht Glabella Rasp

The Aufricht Glabella Rasp are used to level out and reconstruct bony surfaces in nasal and rhinoplasty procedures.

  • Serrated Handle For Controlled Grips.
  • Slender Shaft For A Clear Field Of Vision.
  • Drawing And Pushing Cut Blades Available To Suit Different Surgical Indications.


Aufricht Glabella Rasps assist surgeons to treat nasal diseases. Doctors use the device in order to produce smooth bones in plastic surgery. This helps remove excess edges and protrusions that can damage soft tissues. In addition, it is important to produce cosmetic curves.

Therefore, we designed the handles with a long and bulky frame to increase your control and grip. Moreover, the outer serrations on the handle make your movements firm and prevent finger slips in delicate surgeries.

We made this bone file with a long 32 x 9 mm blade to pass into narrow spaces easily. The blades have round edges in order to slide on bones without damaging surrounding structures. You can use the drawing cut blades to cut backwards. In addition, pushing cut bone files are available so you can cut in a forward direction.

The Aufricht Glabella Rasp is 21 cm long to reach deep parts of the nose. Furthermore, we offer different rasps with diverse shapes and angles for your convenience in bone surgeries. This range allows you to customize your approach for every patient.

Instruments manufacture these devices from premium grade materials that you can depend on for years of fine service.



Author Name



Bone Files and Rasps


Files, Saws & Rasps

Handle Type

Hollow Handle

Overall Length

21 cm – 8 1/4″

Working End Size

32 x 9 mm




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: ENT,
Product Category: Files, Saws & Rasps,
Product Type: Bone Files and Rasps,


Finger Ring Saw Blade

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Finger Ring Saw Blade is a specialized surgical tool that orthopedic surgeons commonly use to replace the abraded rotary blades from the Martin Finger Ring Saw.
  • Extremely Sharp Teeth Granting Smooth Cutting Action.
  • Circular Fenestration for Replacing Old Blades.
  • Autoclavable Stainless Steel.

Langenbeck Amputation Saw

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Langenbeck Amputation Saw is widely used to divide bones during amputation surgeries and to remove small processes in orthopedic procedures.
  • Large flat handle for ideal non-slip grips.
  • Slender profile enables optimal surgical access.
  • Sharp serrations that guarantee endurance and reliability.

Bone File

(0 Reviews)
Bone File assists orthopedic surgeons to trim irregular rough ends of bones prior to the repair of a fracture. It can be used to shape bone grafts or remove extra callus formation in nasal and facial surgeries.
  • Large serrated handle for ideal non-slip grips.
  • Long and tapering neck for deep surgical access.
  • Diam-N- Dust serrations for resilient and long-term service.

Putti Bone Rasp

(0 Reviews)
The Putti Bone Rasps are used to level out rough bone edges and remodel bone grafts in orthopedic procedures.
  • Central Flat Handle For Balanced Movements.
  • Serrated Blades For Efficient Bone Scoring.
  • Two Curved Figures For Variable Indications.
  • Premium Grade Stainless Steel For A Reliable Service.

Flat Bone File

(0 Reviews)
The Flat Bone Files are used to level out and trim rough bone edges in plastic surgery. In addition, they allow you to remodel bone grafts during orthopedic procedures.
  • Long & Flat Handle For Controlled Movements.
  • Crossing Serrations For Ideal Bone Smoothing In Two Directions.
  • Premium Grade Stainless Steel For A Reliable Service.
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