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Abrebocas de Jennings

Abrebocas de Jennings es un dispositivo especializado que permite mantener la boca abierta en procedimientos que requieren exposición de la cavidad bucofaríngea.

  • Arcos Internos para Sujetar el Paladar y la Lengua.
  • Trinquete Calibrado para Controlar la Apertura.
  • Agarre Impecable Gracias a sus Mangos Ergonómicos.


El Abrebocas de Jennings ofrece un rango extenso de ventajas en cirugías que involucran la cavidad oral. Su función principal consiste en separar ambos maxilares para exponer el sitio quirúrgico intraoral.

Para este fin, el instrumento cuenta con un diseño de alambres delgados que se ajustan al contorno de la boca. Además, sus superficies lisas evitan daños a las encías y mejillas. Está disponible en cuatro tamaños para adaptarse a diversas anatomías y pacientes.

Nuestro Abrebocas de Jennings ostenta mangos ergonómicos que brindan un control integral del instrumento. Además, los mangos exhiben una cremallera diseñada para controlar el grado de apertura de los alambres.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de excelente calidad con un acabado mate que evita reflejos de luz.

Author Name
Handle Type

Mango de Agarre, Grip Handle

Ratchet / Lock

Si, Yes


Satinado, Satin


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: Dental,
Oral & Maxillofacial,
Product Category: Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas,
Product Type: Mouth Gags,


Cushing Dressing Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Cushing Dressing Forcep is a multipurpose surgical tool that surgeons in every area can use for securely grasping, holding and mobilizing soft tissues and dressings, in order to maintain optimal conditions within the surgical field.
  • Straight & Curved Tip Profiles for Suiting All Needs.
  • Finely Serrate Tips for Extremely Firm Grasps.
  • Thumb-Style Spring Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
TC Inserts For Impeccable Gripping

Dental Explorer Fig. 6

(0 Reviews)
The Dental Explorer Fig. 6 is a sharp instrument used to detect the presence of caries. It also ensures caries free cavity margins and floor after cavity preparation.
  • Diamond Pattern Knurling For Optimum Gripping
  • Extra Sharp With A Bend For Maximum Accuracy And Accessibility
  • Ergonomic, Hollow & Light Weight Handles For Maximum Comfort & Minimizing The Risk Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Dressing Plier Fig 18

(0 Reviews)
Dressing Plier Fig 18 is a specialized device that dentists use to grasp, statically hold and extract minute materials, cotton rolls or other instruments from the oral cavity.
  • Smooth-Surfaced Jaws to Minimize Local Damage.
  • Pin Lock System to Prevent Material Slippage.
  • Ergonomic Spring Handle Promoting Maximum Control.

English Pattern Tooth Extraction Forceps Fig. 39

(0 Reviews)
The English Pattern Tooth Extraction Forceps Fig. 39 is a surgical instrument used to extract upper molar teeth of children.
  • Ergonomic Handle Design To Decrease Effort
  • No Slip Grip, Closely-Situated, Serrated Beaks For Maximum Control
  • Light Weight To Provide Maximum Comfort

Excavator Fig. 244

(0 Reviews)
The Excavator Fig. 244 is a dental instrument used to excavate and remove caries and soft dentin from cavity walls and floors, making them ready for dental fillings.
  • Diamond Pattern Knurled Handle For An Optimum Grip
  • Ergonomic, Round, Hollow & Light Weight Handles For Maximum Comfort & Minimizing The Risk Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Double Ended, With Extra Sharp, 1.4mm Diameter Spoon Shaped, Double-Angled Working Ends For Maximum Efficiency & Accessibility
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