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Soporte de Kickabout con Cubeta

Soporte de Kickabout con Cubeta es un instrumento quirúrgico que permite transportar instrumental estéril o usado, fluidos, materiales de desecho y otros residuos de la cirugía.

  • Cubeta con 12 Litros de Capacidad.
  • Marco Circular para Sujetar la Cubeta.
  • Ruedas Rotativas que Optimizan el Transporte.


El Soporte de Kickabout con Cubeta ofrece un amplio abanico de beneficios en el quirófano. Su función principal radica en contener y transportar materiales, instrumental y desechos con comodidad.

Para este fin, el instrumento posee un marco circular fuerte para sujetar la cubeta libre o cargada. Aparte, la capacidad de 12 litros de la cubeta resulta conveniente en procedimientos de drenaje. También sirve para transportar instrumental estéril o para contener compresas usadas.

Nuestro Soporte de Kickabout con Cubeta también ostenta tres patas alargadas para mantener la cubeta elevada. Además, las patas exhiben ruedas rotativas para un desplazamiento multidireccional.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de excelente calidad con un acabado mate que evita reflejos de luz.

Overall Size

12 Litre, 12 Litros


Satinado, Satin


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties:
Product Category: Hospital Receptacles,
Product Type:


Instrument Tray

(0 Reviews)
Instrument Tray is a specialized device that the surgical staff uses to carry sterile or used instruments and other materials, in order to use them during the operation or to put them into sterilization boxes.
  • With or Without Cover to Suit All Applications.
  • Multiple Sizes to Hold Several Instruments.
  • Flattened Profile Ensuring Easy Carrying.

Petri Dish

(0 Reviews)
Petri Dish is a specialized accessory tool that the surgical staff can use to hold small objects, flat instruments and biological samples for microscopical analysis.
  • Rectangular Design for Easy Manipulation.
  • Round Corners to Save Space in the Operating Table.
  • Flat-Bottomed Design Ensuring Exceptional Holding.

Denture Cup

(0 Reviews)
Denture Cup is a specialized device that the medical staff can use safe-keeping dentures of patients staying in hospitals or admitted for gastroscopy, dental treatment and other procedures.
  • Cylindrical Structure for Optimal Holding.
  • Versatile Lid for Protecting the Dentures.
  • 75 x 50mm Overall Size to Reduce Storage Space.

Kickabout Stand With Bowl

(0 Reviews)
Kickabout Stand With Bowl is a specialized device that surgeons in every area can use to securely hold sterile or used instruments, swabs and waste materials during surgery.
  • Stainless Steel Bowl for Holding Instruments & Swabs.
  • Rotatable Wheels for Smooth Movement.
  • Bowl Retaining Rings Ensuring Optimal Support.

Placenta Pan with Cover

(0 Reviews)
Placenta Pan with Cover is a specialized surgical device that gynaecological, obstetrics and general surgeons use to receive and hold the placenta once natural birth has taken place.
  • Flattened Hollow Profile for Optimal Conveyance.
  • Anatomically Shaped to Hold the Placenta with Ease.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Dressing Jar

(0 Reviews)
Dressing Jar is a specialized device that medical staff use to hold disposable supplies, such as cotton swabs, gauzes, tongue depressors and cottom applicators.
  • Lightweight Profile for Easy Carrying.
  • Multiple Sizes to Suit All Applications.
  • Cover with Handle Ensuring Optimal Storing.

Kickabout Stand With Bucket

(0 Reviews)
Kickabout Stand With Bucket is a specialized device that surgeons in every area can use to securely hold sterile or used instruments, swabs and waste materials during surgery.
  • Rotatable Wheels for Smooth Movement.
  • Removable Pieces for Optimal Cleaning.
  • Strong Circular Frame Ensuring Secure Bucket Holding.
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