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Simon Fistula Hook

The ® Simon Fistula Hook is a specialized instrument commonly used in gynecological surgeries for gripping and securing the cervix. The surgeon can then easy suture the cervix together or take biopsy as needed.

  • Sharp Tip For Secure Grip On Slippery Tissue
  • Narrow Profile For Deep Access
  • Solid Handle For Secure Grip


Our Simon Fistula Hook comes with pointy tip for precise grip on cervical tissue.

Grips soft tissue and secures it in place in order to perform different surgeries. Commonly used in cervical tear repair and cervical biopsy.

Especially includes hook like tip that reaches deep into the cervix and hooks on to it to stabilize it. The sharp blade can then scrape off the superficial layers easily. Likewise, suturing of the cervix is much easier after stabilization with the fistula hook.

In addition, the hook is available with one or two prongs according to variable surgical needs.

Moreover, the long shank of the instrument allows deep access into the vagina to access the cervix easily. Narrow profile ensure comfortable insertion.

Streamlined design and light weight that ensures comfortable handling. In addition, the ergonomic solid handle allows superior control by surgeon.

The Simon Fistula Hook has an overall length of 21.5 cm for ideal dissection needs.

Made in premium grade stainless steel with satin finish to prevent glare. The instrument can be sterilized and reused.

Author Name



Gynecology & Obstetrics


Fistula Hooks


Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas

Handle Type

Solid Handle

Overall Length

21.5 cm – 8 1/2″




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Gynecology & Obstetrics,
Product Category: Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas,
Product Type: Fistula Hooks,


Hargis Medial Ramus Retractor

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Hargis Medial Ramus Retractor is a specialized surgical tool that maxillofacial specialists use to pull back the mandible, especially during sagittal split osteotomy and chin augmentation procedures.
  • Terminal Curved Tip Promoting Precise Retractions.
  • Lateral Blade Notch to Protect Vascular Structures.
  • Longitudinal Handle Ridges Ensuring Strong Gripping.

Israel Retractor

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Israel Retractor is a surgical tool that allows the surgeon to pull apart heavy sections of tissue in order to access the operating site during simple and complex surgeries.
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  • Atraumatic Blunt Profile For Avoiding Local Injury
  • Dynamic L-Shaped Blade For Accessing Narrow Cavities

Kirsch Retractor

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Kirsch Retractor is a hand-held surgical device that allows surgeons to retract and hold tissues away from the surgical field in order to expose their underlying structures.
  • Dynamic L-Shaped Blade For Reaching Narrow Spaces
  • Left & Right Sided Blades For Symmetrical Retractions
  • Ergonomic Hollow Teardrop Handle For Superior Control

Legueu Retractor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Legueu Retractor is a specialized instrument commonly used for retracting skin incisions as well as internal organs and tissues. It is a valuable manual retractor thanks to its ergonomic shape and optimum length. Frequently used during cardiovascular, general and gynecological surgeries.
  • Curved Blade For Atraumatic Retraction Of Tissues
  • Light Weight For Comfortable Handling
  • Ergonomic Design For Superior Control

McKesson Mouth Prop

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McKesson Mouth Prop is a specialized tool that dentists, ENT and maxillofacial surgeons frequently use to keep the lower and upper dental arches separated, especially during procedures that require exposure of the oral cavity.
  • Trapezoid Shape to Fit the Oral Cavity.
  • Ridged Tooth Surfaces for Avoiding Slippage.
  • Latex Free Rubber for Preventing Allergic Responses.

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Negus Chest Support for Mouth Gag is a specialized device that dentists, ENT and maxillofacial surgeons use to statically suspend mouth spreading devices.
  • Sliding Support for Placing Gags with Precision.
  • Ratchet System Ensuring Powerful Locking Action.
  • Slotted Base to Fixate Chest Belts.

Retractor de Rama de Obwegeser

(0 Reviews)
® Retractor de Rama de Obwegeser es un instrumento quirúrgico que permite retraer y movilizar los tejidos que envuelven la rama ascendente de la mandíbula, como también la rama misma.
  • Borde con Muesca para Asirse a las Apófisis.
  • Disponible con Punta Recta o Doblada Hacia Abajo.
  • Agarre Firme Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.
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