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Schepens Orbital Retractor

Schepens Orbital Retractor is a specialized instrument that ophthalmic surgeons use to engage, mobilize and press the scleral tissue against the retina, in order to repair a retinal detachment.

  • Curved Blade Profile to Fit the Eye’s Convexity.
  • Central Blade Notch to Prevent Optic Nerve Injury.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.


The Schepens Orbital Retractor offers safety and a firm grasp during a retinal tearing repair. Its principal use is to press the sclera against the middle of the eye to reattach a retinal detachment.

For this purpose, the instrument features a wide, curved blade that easily follows the anatomy of the ocular globe. In addition, the blade includes a central notch to prevent critical damage to the optic nerve. Also, the notch provides an enhanced view of the scleral tissue.

Moreover, the Schepens Orbital Retractor features a solid handle with horizontal serrations. This ergonomic design provides exceptional gripping and prevents finger strain during lengthy procedures.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel to ensure the highest quality instruments in your operating rooms.

Author Name





Hand Held Retractors


Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas

Handle Type

Solid Handle

Overall Length

15 cm – 6″




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Ophthalmic,
Product Category: Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas,
Product Type: Hand Held Retractors,


Silverman Fixation Hook

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Silverman Fixation Hook is a specialized ophthalmic device that surgeons can use to engage, fixate and retract the most delicate tissues of the eye, such as the scleral tissue and the corneal stroma.
  • Semi-Sharp Cone Shaped Tip For Atraumatic Tissue Retraction.
  • Resilient Straight Shank For Higher Surgical Precision.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle For Maximum Control.

Tanna-Lieberman Eye Speculum

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Tanna-Lieberman Eye Speculum is a specialized device that ophthalmic surgeons can use for statically maintaining the eyelids apart, in order to gain maximum exposure of the ocular surgical field.
  • Fenestrated Blade Profile Ensuring Enhanced Sightlines.
  • Angled Outline for Fitting the Facial Contour.
  • Adjustable Compound Mechanism to Self-Lock the Blades.

West Lacrimal Cannula

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West Lacrimal Cannula is a specialized tool that ophthalmic surgeons commonly use to probe, irrigate and remove obstructions of the lacrimal ducts, in order to restore the natural tear flow.
  • Straight Profile for Deep Canaliculus Access.
  • 23 Gauge Tube Ensuring Optimal Tear Flow.
  • Ergonomic Hub Handle Promoting Higher Precision.

Akahoshi Phaco PreChopper

(0 Reviews)
Akahoshi Phaco PreChopper is a specialized surgical tool that ophthalmic surgeons can use to partially dividing the lens nucleus, looking towards its further complete fragmentation and removal from the capsular bag.
  • Atraumatic Cross Sharp Jaws For Minimizing Capsular Damage.
  • Versatile Spring Mechanism For Carefully Opening The Jaws.
  • Ergonomic Flat Handles For Superior Surgical Control.

Bechert Lens Holding Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Bechert Lens Holding Forcep is a specialized surgical tool that surgeons can use to grasp and pull out the IOL implant from the lens case, looking towards its further insertion into the anterior segment of the eye.
  • Atraumatic Curved Jaws For Minimizing Local Injury.
  • Cross-Action Mechanism For Controlled Clamping Pressure.
  • Ergonomic Fenestrated Handle For Enhanced Gripping.

Bucher-Kansas Nucleus Trisector

(0 Reviews)
Bucher-Kansas Nucleus Trisector is an ophthalmic surgical device that surgeons frequently use for dividing the lens nucleus into three pieces, which allows easier removal and prevents post-surgical pathologies.
  • Atraumatic Trisecting Tip For Avoiding Local Trauma.
  • Angled Slim Shank For Fitting The Anterior Cavity.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Maximum Control.

Christensen Punctum Punch

(0 Reviews)
Christensen Punctum Punch is a specialized ophthalmological device that surgeons use to isolate the lachrymal punctum, in order to press it and resolve stenosis problems that collapse the lachrymal system.
  • 1.0mm Working End Size to Fit Small Punctums.
  • Atraumatic Tip Edges to Reduce Local Injuries.
  • Ergonomic Spring Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
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