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Rose Tracheal Retractor

Rose Tracheal Retractor assists otoloaryngologists to retract neck tissues in tracheotomy procedures. It helps displace the cricoid cartilage and the pretracheal tissues in order to facilitate a better view for the tracheal incision.

  • Flat Handle To Guarantee Non-slip Grips.
  • Slender Shaft For A Clear Field Of Vision.
  • Blunt Blades For Safe Manipulations.


Rose Tracheal Retractors help surgeons to make openings in the front of the neck in upper airway disease. In addition, patients can breathe through this opening instead of using tubes in the mouth.

Surgeons use the device to pull the edges of the wound opening. This prevents injuring the back of the airways with sharp forces or instruments. In addition, using the retractor makes the trachea stable during deep cuts.

We designed the central handle with a long profile to enhance your control and balance. Moreover, its flat shape prevent accidental slips and mistakes in vital incisions.

The two prongs have curved and blunt ends to avoid tissue tears and vessel injury. In addition, their narrow necks allow you to see the underlying tissues clearly.

You can use one blade to pull the tissues while the other blade serves as a grip handle to apply an ideal force. The Rose Tracheal Retractor is 13.5 cm in size and has a slender profile so it can pass easily into small areas. Laborde and Trousseau dilators are also available for your convenience.

Instruments manufacture these devices from premium grade stainless steel that you can depend on for years of fine service in neck procedures.

Specialty ENT
Author Name Rose
Sub-Category Tracheal Retractors
Category Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas
Instrument Profile Double Ended
Handle Type Solid Handle
Overall Length 13.5 cm – 5 1/4″
Finish Satin
Material Stainless Steel
CE Marking Yes
Reusable Yes
Used in Specialties: ENT,
Product Category: Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas,
Product Type: Tracheal Retractors,


Masing Lid Retractor

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Masing Lid Retractor is a hand-held tool that allows surgeons to retract and set apart the eyelids during ophthalmologic exploration or during surgical procedures.
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  • Ergonomic Slender Handle For Superior Surgical Control
  • Dynamic Long Shaft For Reaching Different Angles

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  • Atraumatic Sharp Tips For Creating Precise Incisions.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Superior Control.

Petri Intraoral Retractor

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Petri Intraoral Retractor is a specialized surgical tool that dentists and maxillofacial specialists use to retract soft tissues, such as mucoperiosteal flaps, during LeFort osteotomies.
  • Concave Blade to Promote Safe Retractions.
  • 25.5mm Blade Size to Suit Multiple Applications.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Sachs Dura Hook

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Sachs Dura Hook is a specialized tool that neurosurgeons frequently use to traverse, lift and mobilize the cranial dura, in order to unveil the brain parenchyma and expose the surgical field.
  • Round Sharp Hook Promoting Optimal Tissue Elevation.
  • Slim Straight Shaft Suitable to Pass into Narrow Spaces.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Separador para Osteotomía de Awty

(0 Reviews)
Separador para Osteotomía de Awty es un instrumento quirúrgico que permite traccionar y dividir tejidos en cirugías orales, ampliando así la visión del sitio operatorio, o dividiendo la mandíbula en casos de cirugías reconstructivas.
  • Hoja Angulada para Aferrarse a los Tejidos.
  • Diseño Aerodinámico que Optimiza el Abordaje.
  • Agarre Firme Gracias a su Mango Fenestrado.
  • Parte Activa de 12 o 17mm de Amplitud.

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(0 Reviews)
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  • Serrated Inner Surface to Avoid Mucosal Injury.
  • 88 x 25cm Blade Size to Suit Multiple Applications.
  • Ergonomic Grooved Handle Ensuring Strong Gripping

Young Prostatic Retractor

(0 Reviews)
Young Prostatic Retractor is a specialized device that urology surgeons use to pull back and hold the muscular tissues that surround the prostate and the prostate itself, in order to gain an exceptional view of the surgical site.
  • L-Shaped Profile Ensuring Optimal Retraction.
  • Multiple Blade Shapes to Suit All Applications.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle Promoting Maximum Control.
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