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Putti Bone Rasp

The Putti Bone Rasps are used to level out rough bone edges and remodel bone grafts in orthopedic procedures.

  • Central Flat Handle For Balanced Movements.
  • Serrated Blades For Efficient Bone Scoring.
  • Two Curved Figures For Variable Indications.
  • Premium Grade Stainless Steel For A Reliable Service.


Putti Bone Rasps assist surgeons to treat nasal diseases. For instance, doctors use the device to produce smooth bones in plastic surgery. This helps remove excess edges and protrusions that can damage soft tissues. In addition, it is important to produce cosmetic curves.

Therefore, we designed the central handle with a long and light frame to increase your control and grip. Moreover, the flat profile of the handle prevents finger strain or slips in long surgeries.

We made the Putti Bone Rasp with two blades. The rasp has a round blade on one end and a half-round blade on the other end. This provides variable choices for bone cuts. The blade’s surfaces have tiny sharp spikes for efficient bone scoring. The blades are tapering to pass into narrow spaces easily.

The Putti Bone Rasp is available with two figures. One has a length of 27 cm while the other is 30 cm long to reach deep tissues with ease. Furthermore, it has a slender profile so you can see the working blade directly.

We offer other rasps with diverse shapes and sizes for your convenience in bone surgeries. This range allows you to customize your approach for every patient.

Instruments manufacture these devices from premium grade materials that you can depend on for years of fine service.

Author Name Putti
Specialty Orthopedic
Sub-Category Bone Files and Rasps
Category Files, Saws & Rasps
Working End Details Sharp Serrated Ends
Instrument Profile Double Ended
Handle Type Solid Handle
Finish Satin
Material Stainless Steel
CE Marking Yes
Reusable Yes
Used in Specialties: Orthopedic
Product Category: Files, Saws & Rasps
Product Type: Bone Files and Rasps


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