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Petri Dish

Petri Dish is a specialized accessory tool that the surgical staff can use to hold small objects, flat instruments and biological samples for microscopical analysis.

  • Rectangular Design for Easy Manipulation.
  • Round Corners to Save Space in the Operating Table.
  • Flat-Bottomed Design Ensuring Exceptional Holding.


The Petri Dish offers a wide assortment of surgical advantages. Its principal use is to provide a reliable way to hold and carry a number of materials and samples with safety.

For this purpose, the instrument features a flat-bottomed surface with oblique walls to prevent slippage. In addition, the device is available in two patterns to suit all applications. One pattern includes a cover and the other doesn’t. As a result, surgeons can choose between dishes according to surgical needs.

Moreover, the Petri Dish features a 100 x 20mm overall size. The operating staff can carry multiple small devices or analyze the large samples of biological features in the flattened surface.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel to ensure the highest quality and product performance during surgical procedures.


General Surgery


Hospital Receptacles

Overall Size

Ø 100 x 20 mm




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties:
Product Category: Hospital Receptacles,
Product Type:


Round Type Bed Pan

(0 Reviews)
Round Type Bed Pan is a specialized device that the medical staff uses to contain bedridden patients’ faeces and urine, especially when they’re temporarily or permanently confined to a bed.
  • Flattened Profile for Optimal Conveyance.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle Promoting Superior Control.
  • Cover with Knob Ensuring Easy Manipualtion.

Female Urinal

(0 Reviews)
Female Urinal is a specialized device that the medical staff uses to contain bedridden female patients’ urine, especially when they’re temporarily or permanently confined to a bed.
  • Blunt Opening Edges to Fit the Female Genitalia.
  • Especial Design to Prevent Accidental Spills.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle Ensuring a Sturdy Grip.

Kidney Dish

(0 Reviews)
Kidney Dish is a specialized accessory device that the medical staff uses to discard soiled dressings, hold wasted swabs and contain used surgical instruments.
  • Kidney-Shaped Designed for Optimal Holding.
  • Flattened Profile Ensuring Comfortable Carrying.
  • Multiple Sizes to Suit All Applications.

Soporte de Kickabout con Bol

(0 Reviews)
Soporte de Kickabout con Bol es un dispositivo especializado que permite cargar y transportar instrumentos estériles o usados, así como también materiales o tejidos descartados para su posterior desecho.
  • Marco Circular para Sujetar el Bol.
  • Anillos de Seguridad que Potencia la Estabilidad.
  • Ruedas Rotativas para un Transporte Óptimo.
  • Diámetro de Ø360 x 210mm.

Flat Instrument Tray

(0 Reviews)
Flat Instrument Tray is a specialized device that the surgical staff uses to carry sterile or used instruments, swabs and other materials, in order to use them during the operation or to put them into sterilization boxes.
  • Lightweight Profile for Easy Carrying.
  • Extra-Flat Surface Ensuring Optimal Holding.
  • Round Cover to Avoid Contamination.

Male Urinal

(0 Reviews)
Male Urinal is a specialized device that the medical staff uses to contain bedridden patients’ urine, especially when they can’t walk to the bathroom.
  • Jar-Style Profile to Withhold Urine with Safety.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle Ensuring Superior Control.

Soporte de Kickabout con Cubeta

(0 Reviews)
Soporte de Kickabout con Cubeta es un instrumento quirúrgico que permite transportar instrumental estéril o usado, fluidos, materiales de desecho y otros residuos de la cirugía.
  • Cubeta con 12 Litros de Capacidad.
  • Marco Circular para Sujetar la Cubeta.
  • Ruedas Rotativas que Optimizan el Transporte.
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