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Periostótomo de Ward

Periostótomo de Ward es un instrumento especializado que permite la disección y elevación atraumática de las membranas que recubren los huesos, tales como el periostio y la mucosa en ciertos casos, como en los huesos maxilares.

  • Punta Plana y Circular para Incisiones Impecables.
  • Vástago Recto y Largo que Asegura Accesos Profundos.
  • Manejo Excepcional Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.


El Periostótomo de Ward brinda un amplio abanico de beneficios en procedimientos ortopédicos. Desempeña la vital función de desnudar las superficies óseas para observar el sitio quirúrgico.

Para tales fines, el instrumento ostenta una punta plana y circular, de bordes atraumáticos que evitan lesiones locales. Además, la punta exhibe una ligera curva que favorece a la elevación de los tejidos. De tal modo, luego de realizar la incisión inicial, el elevador permite ampliar el corte y levantar la membrana.

Nuestro Periostótomo de Ward también ostenta un mango ahuecado que aligera su peso. Además, el mango posee acanaladuras profundas que otorgan firmeza al sostenerlo. Por otro lado, el vástago que emerge del mango el largo y ahusado para atravesar espacios estrechos.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de alta calidad, fácil de esterilizar, con un acabado mate que reduce los destellos de luz.

Author Name Ward, Ward
Handle Type Mango Ahuecado, Hollow Handle
Overall Length 17 cm – 6 3/4″, 17 cm – 6 3/4″
Finish Satinado, Satin
Material Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel
CE Marking Si, Yes
Reusable Si, Yes
Used in Specialties: Orthopedic
Product Category: Dissectors, Elevators & Levers
Product Type: Periosteal Elevators


Pelkmann Foreign Body Forcep

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Pelkmann Foreign Body Forcep is a multipurpose surgical device that surgeons commonly use to grasp foreign objects that may endanger the surgical field, small dressings, and soft tissues.
  • Small Serrated Blades for Minimizing Local Injury.
  • Straight & Curved Profiles for Suiting All Surgical Applications.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Handling.

Pin and Wire Cutters

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The Pin and Wire Cutters are used in the removal of excess orthopedic wires and pins during the repair of fractures.
  • Compound Joint Action For Controlled Force.
  • Sharp Jaws For Clean Cutting Action.
  • Premium Grade Stainless Steel For A Reliable Service.
Tungsten Carbide Inserts Enabling 6x Performance

Reverdin Abdominal Spatula

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Reverdin Abdominal Spatula is a unique hand-held surgical tool that has the principal function of assisting surgeons in organ retraction during abdominal procedures, in order to expose their underlying cavities.
  • Ovoid Concave Blade For Retracting Heavy Tissues.
  • Smooth Working Surface For Avoiding Local Damage.
  • Resilient Oval Handle For Strong Maneuverability.

Scalp-Contour Self Retaining Retractor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Scalp-Contour Self Retaining Retractor is a special surgical instrument commonly used in general surgery, neurosurgery as well as cardiovascular procedures. It helps to retract small to medium length incisions to give access to deeper tissues while minimizing inadvertent soft tissue damage.
  • Hooked Jaws For Better Grip On Dissected Edges
  • Atraumatic Design To Protect Soft Tissues
  • Ergonomic Finger Ring Handles For Better Control

Semken Dissecting Forcep

(0 Reviews)
The ® Semken Dissecting Forcep is a specialized surgical instrument used for gripping internal tissues as well as foreign bodies. It is commonly used in complex surgeries including ophthalmic procedures, ENT and maxillofacial surgeries.
  • Narrow Jaws For Precise Manipulation
  • Spring Handles For Rapid Action
  • Serrations For Secure Grip
TC Inserts For Impeccable Gripping

Smith Model USA Bandage Scissor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Smith (Model USA) Bandage Scissor is a specialized instrument that is designed for cutting bandages during dressing procedures after a number of different surgeries.
  • Dual Sharp/Blunt Tips For Appropriate Dissection
  • One Larger Ring Handle For Comfortable Handling
  • Beveled Blades For Effortless Dissection

Stratte Needle Holder

(0 Reviews)
® Stratte Needle Holders are specialist devices that assist surgeons in handling suture needles during tight surgical procedures.
  • Jaws With Cross-serrations For Firmer Grips
  • Self-retaining Locking Mechanism For Comfort
  • Streamlined Curved Profile For Optimal Surgical Access
  • Tungsten Carbide Inserts Available For Resilient Surgical Performance
TC Inserts For Impeccable Gripping
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