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Periostótomo de Molt

Periostótomo de Molt es un instrumento especializado que permite elevar, retraer y seccionar porciones de las membranas adheridas a los huesos —tales como el periostio y la mucosa—, a fin de exponer el sitio operatorio.

  • Dos Extremos Diferentes para Todas las Aplicaciones.
  • Puntas Curvadas que Optimizan el Abordaje.
  • Agarre Firme Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.


El Periostótomo de Molt brinda beneficios excepcionales al momento de exponer estructuras óseas. Su función principal consiste en desnudar una superficie ósea específica para moldearla, repararla u obtener muestras para biopsia.

Para tales fines, el instrumento posee dos partes activas que cumplen roles diferentes. De tal modo, una punta ofrece un borde cortante para realizar las incisiones, y la otra es roma para ampliar el corte. Además, ambas son ovaladas, permitiendo al cirujano ejecutar cortes en diversas direcciones.

Nuestro Periostótomo de Molt también ostenta un mango central y cilíndrico para un agarre ergonómico. Además, su superficies está cubierta por microestrías cruzadas que evitan resbalamientos accidentales.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de alta calidad, fácil de esterilizar, con un acabado mate que reduce los destellos de luz.

Author Name Molt, Molt
Handle Type Mango Sólido, Solid Handle
Overall Length 18 cm – 7″, 18 cm – 7
Finish Satinado, Satin
Material Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel
CE Marking Si, Yes
Reusable Si, Yes
Used in Specialties: Dental
Oral & Maxillofacial
Product Category: Dissectors, Elevators & Levers
Product Type: Periosteal Elevators


Volkmann Bone Curette

(0 Reviews)
Volkmann Bone Curette is a specialized device that orthopaedic surgeons use to gouge out abnormal bone growths and other hard tissues, in order to perform certain surgical procedures.
  • Sharp-Edged Tip for Scraping Surfaces with Ease.
  • 2.8 to 14.5mm Spoon Sizes to Suit All Needs.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle Promoting Superior Control.

Wilson Artery Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Wilson Artery Forcep is a scissor-like device that surgeons in multiple fields use to grasp, mobilize and clamp bleeding vessels during wound closure, specialized surgery and other procedures. The device is especially useful to perform certain ENT surgeries.
  • Curved Shafts & Jaws for Enhanced Sightlines.
  • Transversely Serrated Jaws to Ensure a Firm Grip.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Promoting Superior Handling.

Allis Intestinal and Tissue Grasping Forcep

(0 Reviews)
The ® Allis Intestinal and Tissue Grasping Forcep also called a hemostat is commonly used in multiple surgeries to grasp tissues for manipulation and clamp blood vessels. The instrument is frequently used in general as well as specialized surgeries.
  • Broad Tips For Secure Grip
  • Ratchet Lock Provides Self-Retaining System
  • Ergonomic Ring Handles For Comfortable Handling

Bergmann Bone Mallet

(0 Reviews)
Bergmann Bone Mallet is an orthopedic surgical device that surgeons commonly use for hammering multiple instruments involved in bone repairing or harvesting, including osteotomes, chisels, gouges, and tampers.
  • Resilient Flat Impacting Surfaces for Smooth Hammering Action.
  • Available In Different Head Diameters for Adapting to Any Surgical Case.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Superior Control.

Bone Tamper

(0 Reviews)
Bone Tamper is a specialized orthopedic tool that surgeons can use for compacting and tamping bone structures and bone grafting into fracture spaces, looking towards to grow new tissue and repair the fracture.
  • Atraumatic Round-Shaped Tip for Minimizing Local Damage.
  • Solid Straight Design for Deep Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Superior Control.

Caplan Septum Scissor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Caplan Septum Scissor is a heavy duty scissor commonly used during endonasal surgeries to dissect nasal septal cartilages. The instrument is used to dissect tough tissues during ENT, Plastic and Orthopedic surgeries.
  • Double Joint To Increase Power Of Dissection
  • One-Toothed Blades To Ensure Fine Cuts
  • Curved Profile To Improve Visibility
  • Serrated Handle To Improve Grip

Cloward Bone Gouge

(0 Reviews)
Cloward Bone Gouge is an orthopedic surgical device that surgeons commonly use to carve and scoop the cancellous bony tissue from bone structures, in order to harvest grafting material and biopsy samples.
  • Atraumatic Cutting Edge for Smooth Scooping Action.
  • Slender Straight Outline for Highest Surgical Precion.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Maximum Control.
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