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Periostótomo de Molt

Periostótomo de Molt es un instrumento especializado que permite elevar, retraer y seccionar porciones de las membranas adheridas a los huesos —tales como el periostio y la mucosa—, a fin de exponer el sitio operatorio.

  • Dos Extremos Diferentes para Todas las Aplicaciones.
  • Puntas Curvadas que Optimizan el Abordaje.
  • Agarre Firme Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.


El Periostótomo de Molt brinda beneficios excepcionales al momento de exponer estructuras óseas. Su función principal consiste en desnudar una superficie ósea específica para moldearla, repararla u obtener muestras para biopsia.

Para tales fines, el instrumento posee dos partes activas que cumplen roles diferentes. De tal modo, una punta ofrece un borde cortante para realizar las incisiones, y la otra es roma para ampliar el corte. Además, ambas son ovaladas, permitiendo al cirujano ejecutar cortes en diversas direcciones.

Nuestro Periostótomo de Molt también ostenta un mango central y cilíndrico para un agarre ergonómico. Además, su superficies está cubierta por microestrías cruzadas que evitan resbalamientos accidentales.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de alta calidad, fácil de esterilizar, con un acabado mate que reduce los destellos de luz.

Author Name Molt, Molt
Handle Type Mango Sólido, Solid Handle
Overall Length 18 cm – 7″, 18 cm – 7
Finish Satinado, Satin
Material Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel
CE Marking Si, Yes
Reusable Si, Yes
Used in Specialties: Dental
Oral & Maxillofacial
Product Category: Dissectors, Elevators & Levers
Product Type: Periosteal Elevators


Bozemann Knot Tier

(0 Reviews)
Bozemann Knot Tiers are surgical devices with semicircular jaws that assist in performing and tightening secure knots during suturing procedures.
  • Long Handle With Longitudinal Angles For Confident Grips.
  • Jaw With Two Blades For Secure Control Of Knots.
  • Slender Profile For Easy Surgical Access.

Caspar Periosteal Elevator

(0 Reviews)
Caspar Periosteal Elevator is a specialized orthopedic instrument that surgeons commonly use to lift, retract and separate the periosteum tissue attached to the bone, in order to expose its underlying contents, including bone surfaces, tendons, and joints.
  • Atraumatic Flat Sharp Tip for Avoiding Local Injury.
  • Slightly Curved Working End for Elevating Periosteal Flaps with Ease.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle for Maximum Control.

Cogswell Suction Tube

(0 Reviews)
Cogswell Suction Tube is a specialized device that surgeons in different areas can use for suctioning fluid collections, blood, debris and other particles from the operating site, especially during surgeries involving the oral cavity.
  • 2.0mm Working End Diameter to Reach Narrow Spaces.
  • Angled Tube Profile to Enhance the Sightlines.
  • Handle with Finger Valve Promoting Suction Control.

Crile-Murray Needle Holder

(0 Reviews)
Crile-Murray Needle Holders are finger ring forceps that assist in holding surgical needles to apply refined sutures.
  • Cross-serrated Jaws To Maintain Firm Grips.
  • Ideal Design For A Swift Grip And Release Function.
  • Slender Body And Light Weight To Reduce Strain.

Diamond Pin and Wire Cutters

(0 Reviews)
The Diamond Pin and Wire Cutters are used to trim pins and wires to the desired length in orthopedic procedures.
  • Curved Grip Handles For Comfort And Dexterity.
  • Long Profile For Deep Surgical Access.
  • Sharp Tungsten Carbide Jaws For Reliable Cutting Function.
Tungsten Carbide Inserts Enabling 6x Performance

Extra Curved Bone Lever (Retractor)

(0 Reviews)
Extra Curved Bone Lever (Retractor) is a specialized surgical device that orthopedic surgeons commonly use for separating the edges of surgical wounds, in order to gain access to several joints during arthroplasty procedures.
  • Extra Curved Blade Granting Access Into Deep Tissue Layers.
  • 22.0 & 40.0mm Blade Sizes for Versatile Wound Retraction.
  • Ergonomic Ring Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Finsen Wound Spreader

(0 Reviews)
Finsen Wound Spreader is a specialized device that orthopaedic and general surgeons commonly use to preserve the space between the margins of surgical wounds, in order to gain access to the operative field.
  • Blunt & Sharp Prongs Promoting Optimal Retraction.
  • 5.0 & 7.0 Lengths to Suit All Applications.
  • Ergonomic Spring Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
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