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Periostótomo de Langenbeck

Periostótomo de Langenbeck es un instrumento quirúrgico que permite desprender, elevar y retraer el periostio y otros anexos del hueso, a fin de descubrir la superficie ósea subyacente.

  • Bordes Redondeado Asegurando Cortes Impecables.
  • Parte Activa de 8.0 y 10.0mm de Amplitud.
  • Vástago Recto que Optimiza el Abordaje.


El Periostótomo de Langenbeck ofrece un amplio abanico de ventajas en cirugías ortopédicas. Cumple la esencial función de desnudar la estructura ósea deseada para realizar osteotomías y otros procedimientos de reparación ósea.

Para lograrlo, el instrumento exhibe una hoja atraumática, provista de un diseño en forma de hoja. Asimismo, su punta es redondeada y permite abordar el hueso desde diferentes ángulos. Además, sus tamaños de 8.0 y 10.mm favorecen el alcance de diversas áreas anatómicas.

Nuestro Periostótomo de Langenbeck ostenta también un mango voluminoso que potencia la fuerza de tracción. Aparte, por dentro es ahuecado para aligerar su peso y facilitar las maniobras.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de alta calidad, fácil de esterilizar, con un acabado mate que reduce los destellos de luz.

Author Name Langenbeck, Langenbeck
Handle Type Mango Ahuecado, Hollow Handle
Overall Length 19.5 cm – 7 3/4″, 19.5 cm – 7 3/4
Finish Satinado, Satin
Material Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel
CE Marking Si, Yes
Reusable Si, Yes
Used in Specialties: Orthopedic
Product Category: Dissectors, Elevators & Levers
Product Type: Periosteal Elevators


Gluck Rib Shear

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The ® Gluck Rib Shear is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used for cutting bones to gain access to the internal organs. It is frequently used during orthopedic as well as cardiovascular procedures.
  • Sharp Blades For Precise Dissection
  • Heavy Built To Decrease User Fatigue
  • Ergonomic Design For Comfortable Handling

Heiss Artery Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Heiss Artery Forcep is a specialized device that surgeons use to clamp blood vessels, especially small arteries, during a variety of surgical scenarios. The instrument is also useful to grasp disposable materials, tissues and needles.
  • Transverse Serrations to Prevent Endothelial Damage.
  • 1 x 2 Toothed Optional Patterns for Enhanced Clamping.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Control.

Inge Lamina Spreader

(0 Reviews)
The ® Inge Lamina Spreader is a specialized surgical instrument that is used for retracting small incision to give access for surgical manipulation. It is frequently used to spread the narrow incisions during orthopedic and spinal surgeries.
  • Toothed Tips For Secure Grip
  • Ergonomic Design For Comfortable Handling
  • Grip Handles For Superior Control

Kahre-Williger Periosteal Elevator

(0 Reviews)
Kahre-Williger Periosteal Elevator is an specialized orthopedic tool that surgeons frequently use for lifting and cutting the hard periosteum tissue and other adnexa from bone structures.
  • 4.0 & 5.0mm Blade Sizes for Dissecting Delicate Bones.
  • Versatile Curved Blade for Passing Into Narrow Spaces.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Superior Surgical Control.

Kroenlein Haemostatic Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Kroenlein Haemostatic Forcep is a specialized device that surgeons in multiple fields can use to clamp blood vessels to prevent blood leakage and to grasp other soft tissues.
  • Inner Jaw Serrations to Prevent Endothelial Injury.
  • Ratchet System Promoting Self-Retaining Clamping.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Handling.

Lempert Bone Rongeur

(0 Reviews)
Lempert Bone Rongeur is a specialized surgical tool that surgeons in multiple areas can use for cutting and biting off small bone portions and other adnexal tissue, in order to broaden pre-formed holes or reshaping the bone structure.
  • Sharp Tips Granting Atraumatic Debulking.
  • Smooth Spring Mechanism for Controlling the Jaws Closure.
  • Ergonomic Plier Style Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Long Bone Repositioning Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Long Bone Repositioning Forcep is a specialized surgical tool that orthopedic surgeons commonly use for holding and stabilizing fractured bone fragments, in order to perform skeletal transfixion.
  • Atraumatic Pointed Tips for Avoiding Local Damage.
  • Long Ratchet for Adjusting the Clamping Degree.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Maximum Control.
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