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Nail File

Nail File is a specialized podiatric and chiropody instrument that the operator uses to smoothen the edges of toenails, assist in the extraction of ingrown nails and to apply nail care ointments.

  • Double-Ended Profile to Suit Multiple Applications.
  • Triangular Serrated Tips Promoting Optimal Scraping.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.


The Nail File offers a wide range of surgical benefits. Its principal use is to provide an atraumatic way to assist in certain podiatric procedures that involve the nails.

For this purpose, the instrument features a double-ended design to perform fine and coarse cutting of toenails. Also, the triangular tips’ size has a medium standard to reach deep spaces without injuring local tissues.

Moreover, the Nail File features a solid handle with multiple surfaces that enhance gripping. Also, the handle has fine horizontal serrations to prevent finger strain and slippage.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless with a fine satin finish that minimizes light reflection.


Nail Files


Podiatry Instruments


Files, Saws & Rasps

Working End Details

Medium Cut Serrated Tips

Instrument Profile

Double Ended

Handle Type

Solid Handle




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Podiatry Instruments,
Product Category: Files, Saws & Rasps,
Product Type: Nail Files,


Green Emry Dressor

(0 Reviews)

Bier Amputation Saw

(0 Reviews)
Bier Amputation Saw allows surgeons to cut conveniently through bones in orthopedic surgeries.
  • Ring handle for firm and controlled manipulations.
  • Long profile for deep surgical access.
  • Several blades available for wide surgical indications.

Miller-Colburn Bone File

(0 Reviews)
Miller-Colburn Bone File assists surgeons to provide clean smoothing of bony surfaces, spurs and protrusions during rhinology procedures.
  • Central polygonal handle for solid and reliable grasps.
  • Several models are available with draw-cutting and cross-cutting blades.
  • Premium stainless steel materials for reliable service.

Engel Plaster Saw

(0 Reviews)
Surgical Equipment®Engel Plaster Saw is used to open up plaster casts specially around bone fractures.
  • Half Circle Serrated Sharp Blade
  • Comfort Ergonomic Loop Handle
  • 15.5 cm - 6" long

Walton Finger Ring Saw

(0 Reviews)
Walton Finger Ring Saw is a specialized orthopedic device that surgeons commonly use to cut through stuck or crushed rings, in order to restore the desired finger’s blood flow and prevent necrosis.
  • Sharp Rotary Blade Granting Smooth Cutting Action.
  • Safety Lever for Protecting the Finger.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Joseph Bone File

(0 Reviews)
Joseph Bone File is a straight bone file that assists surgeons to remove irregular or excess bones for better contouring in nasal procedures.
  • Flat Handle For Controlled Grips.
  • Cross-Cutting Serrations To Cut In Multiple Directions.
  • Two Blades To Suit Diverse Indications.

Blade for Bier Amputation Saw

(0 Reviews)
The Blade for Bier Amputation Saw is widely used by general and orthopedic surgeons to amputate the fibula and tibia bones below the knee in bone cutting procedures.
  • Long and narrow blade for deep surgical access.
  • Serrations on one edge to produce clean cuts.
  • Premium stainless steel materials for reliable service.
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