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Medium Tip Nail File

Medium Tip Nail File is a specialized podiatric device that the operator uses to file the edges of toenails, cut the ingrown portion of the nail plate and apply ointments and nail care creams.

  • Triangular Medium Tip to Reach Deep Spaces.
  • Cross-Serrated Tip Surface for Optimal Nail Scraping.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Promoting Superior Control.


The Medium Tip Nail File offers a wide assortment of benefits for podiatrists. Its principal use is to provide an atraumatic way to file the desired nail during certain procedures involving the foot.

For this purpose, the instrument features a triangular tip with cross serrations on its surface to smoothen the edges of nails. In addition, the tip’s medium size is ideal to access small spaces without causing injury to the local soft tissues.

Moreover, the Medium Tip Nail File features a hexagonal solid handle that enhances gripping. Also, three of its surfaces have fine serrations that not only prevent slippage but also minimize fatigue.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel with a fine satin finish that reduces glare.


Podiatry Instruments


Nail Files


Files, Saws & Rasps

Working End Details

Fine Cross Serrated Tips

Handle Type

Solid Handle




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Podiatry Instruments,
Product Category: Files, Saws & Rasps,
Product Type: Nail Files,


Gauze Applicator

(0 Reviews)
Gauze Applicator is a specialized podiatric and chiropody device that the operator uses to pack toe wounds after partial or complete nail avulsion, in order to absorb blood and other fluids.
  • Blunt-Edged Profile to Avoid Local Injury.
  • Large & Small Sizes to Carry Different Gauze Types.
  • Standard Spring Mechanism to Close the Blades with Ease.

Nail File

(0 Reviews)
Nail File is a specialized podiatric and chiropody instrument that the operator uses to smoothen the edges of toenails, assist in the extraction of ingrown nails and to apply nail care ointments.
  • Double-Ended Profile to Suit Multiple Applications.
  • Triangular Serrated Tips Promoting Optimal Scraping.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Cortaúñas de Tenazas Finas

(0 Reviews)
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Finas es un instrumento especializado que permite eliminar porciones de uñas del pie patológicas, en especial de las más pequeñas o delicadas, y en función de eliminar pedazos encarnados o exponer el lecho ungueal.
  • Tenazas Finas para Cortar Uñas Pequeñas.
  • Caja de Traba que Evita Distorsiones.
  • Agarre Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.

Green Emry Dressor

(0 Reviews)

Nail Probe

(0 Reviews)
Nail Probe is a specialized podiatric and chiropody device that the operator uses to explore the abnormal tissues that surround toenails and afterwards lift the nail for partial or full extraction.
  • Blunt-Edged Spatula to Minimize Local Injury.
  • Angled Probe Design to Reach Narrow Spaces.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Promoting Superior Control.

Cortaúñas de Tenazas Pesadas

(0 Reviews)
Cortaúñas de Tenazas Pesadas es un instrumento especializado que permite eliminar pedazos de las uñas del pie, en especial aquellos endurecidos que requieren una fuerza mayor en las mandíbulas.
  • Bordes Afilados que Optimizan los Cortes.
  • Disponible con Tenazas Rectas o Curvadas.
  • Caja de Traba para Evitar la Distorsión.

Heavy Duty Nail Cutter

(0 Reviews)
Heavy Duty Nail Cutter is a specialized podiatric and chiropody device that surgeons use to trim off pieces of resistant toenails, in order to remove ingrown nails or expose the nail bed.
  • Sharp Cutting Edges to Trim Nails with Precision.
  • Straight & Curved Patterns to Suit All Applications.
  • Plier Grip Style Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
  • Spring Mechanism for Smooth Jaw Movements.
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