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Medium Tip Nail File

Medium Tip Nail File is a specialized podiatric device that the operator uses to file the edges of toenails, cut the ingrown portion of the nail plate and apply ointments and nail care creams.

  • Triangular Medium Tip to Reach Deep Spaces.
  • Cross-Serrated Tip Surface for Optimal Nail Scraping.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Promoting Superior Control.


The Medium Tip Nail File offers a wide assortment of benefits for podiatrists. Its principal use is to provide an atraumatic way to file the desired nail during certain procedures involving the foot.

For this purpose, the instrument features a triangular tip with cross serrations on its surface to smoothen the edges of nails. In addition, the tip’s medium size is ideal to access small spaces without causing injury to the local soft tissues.

Moreover, the Medium Tip Nail File features a hexagonal solid handle that enhances gripping. Also, three of its surfaces have fine serrations that not only prevent slippage but also minimize fatigue.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel with a fine satin finish that reduces glare.


Podiatry Instruments


Nail Files


Files, Saws & Rasps

Working End Details

Fine Cross Serrated Tips

Handle Type

Solid Handle




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Podiatry Instruments,
Product Category: Files, Saws & Rasps,
Product Type: Nail Files,


Narrow Blade Nail Cutter

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Narrow Blade Nail Cutter is a specialized podiatric and chiropody device that surgeons can use to cut pieces of toenails, in order to extract ingrown nails, drain nail bed abscesses and other procedures.
  • Sharp Cutting Edge to Trim Nails with Precision.
  • Boxlock Joint for Smooth Jaw Movements.
  • Plier Grip Style Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

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  • Diamond Coat Promoting Hardened Skin Removal.
  • Narrow Profile to Reach All Spaces.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Mackay Nail Elevator

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  • Blunt-Edged Blades to Avoid Local Injury.
  • Triangular Desing for Enhanced Lever Action.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Promoting Superior Control.

Anvil Nail Extracting Forceps

(0 Reviews)
Anvil Nail Extracting Forceps is a specialized orthopedic and podiatry device that surgeons can use to cut, divide and extract complete nails or ingrowth nail pieces, in order to prevent further complications.
  • Blunt and Sharp Edges for Cutting Nails with Ease.
  • Double Spring Mechanism for Smooth
  • Plier Style Grip Handle Ensuring Superior Control.

Radolf Nail Extracting Forceps

(0 Reviews)
Radolf Nail Extracting Forceps is a hand-held device that podiatry and orthopaedic specialists use to remove ingrown or diseased nails from the toes.
  • Toothed Surfaces for Enhanced Gripping.
  • Straight Jaws to Ensure Extracting Precision.
  • Ergonomic Handle with Ridges to Prevent Slippage.

Elevador para Uñas de Fickling

(0 Reviews)
Elevador para Uñas de Fickling es un instrumento de quiropedia y podiatría que permite levantar una uña encarnada, con la finalidad de extraerla del lecho ungueal.
  • Borde Romo que Reduce los Daños Locales.
  • Disponible con Espátula Ancha o Estrecha.
  • Agarre Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.

Medium Tip Nail File

(0 Reviews)
Medium Tip Nail File is a specialized podiatric device that the operator uses to file the edges of toenails, cut the ingrown portion of the nail plate and apply ointments and nail care creams.
  • Triangular Medium Tip to Reach Deep Spaces.
  • Cross-Serrated Tip Surface for Optimal Nail Scraping.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Promoting Superior Control.
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