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Legra Aspiradora de Guilen

Legra Aspiradora de Guilen es una herramienta quirúrgica y multifuncional que permite raspar superficies óseas y otros tejidos duros, a la vez que aspirar las partículas de hueso resultantes y también fluidos.

  • Diseño Angulado que Potencia la Visión.
  • Extremo Biselado para Raspados Óptimos.
  • Acoplador para Conectar al Sistema de Succión.


La Legra Aspiradora de Guilen ofrece un amplio abanico de ventas en cirugías ORL y maxilofaciales. Su función radica en potenciar la visibilidad del campo mediante la aspiración de fluidos y residuos.

Para lograrlo, el instrumento cuenta con un tubo angulado que termina en una puerto frontal. De tal modo, sus ángulos a modo de bayoneta facilitan el acceso a la cavidad nasal. Además, su puerto biselado permite raspar huesos delicados y aspirar los residuos al mismo tiempo.

Nuestra Legra Aspiradora de Guilen exhibe un acoplador para articular con el sistema de succión. Aparte, incluye un estilete accesorio para limpiar las esquirlas atascadas en la luz del tubo.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de excelente calidad con un acabado mate que evita reflejos de luz.

Author Name
Overall Length

19 cm – 7 1/2″, 19 cm – 7 1/2


Satinado, Satin


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: ENT,
General Surgery Instruments,
Oral & Maxillofacial,
Plastic Surgery,
Product Category: Suction Tubes, Cannulas & Trocars,
Product Type: Suction Tubes,


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  • Slender Jaws To Concentrate Clamping Force.
  • Cross-Acting Assembly For A Secure Clamping Function.

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  • Inner Serrations to Achieve an Excellent Grip.
  • Tapered Jaws Ensuring Narrow Surgical Access.
  • Ratchet System for Self-Retaining Clamping.

Koenig Tuning Fork

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Koenig Tuning Forks are acoustic instruments that doctors use to examine hearing and evaluate vibration sensation during neurology examinations. Pinging the prongs on a hard surface produces a frequency of 109 Hz when the damper is set at the A mark.
  • Adjustable Dampers Produce Multiple Frequencies.
  • Plastic Foot For Optimal Balance And Control.
  • Premium Quality For Long Term Service.

Laryngeal Mirror

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The Laryngeal Mirror assists otolaryngologists to view and take biopsies from the upper airways. This includes structures like the posterior tongue, the posterior pharyngeal wall and the larynx in pharyngeal examinations.
  • Corrugated & Moveable Handle For Convenient Grips.
  • Slender Shaft For Deep Pharyngeal Access.
  • Premium Grade Materials For Reliable Service.

Lower Lateral Morselizer

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The Lower Lateral Morselizer assists rhinologists and plastic surgeons in septoplasty procedures to remove the cartilaginous tissues and the bony septum.
  • Long grip handles for controlled movements.
  • Curved shaft facilitates access into lateral planes.
  • UltraGripX™ jaws with tungsten carbide inserts for non-slip grasps.
TC Inserts For Impeccable Gripping

Mathieu Retractor

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Mathieu Retractor is a hand-held surgical device that allows surgeons to mobilize, pull back and statically hold muscles and skin sheets in place, in order to expose their underlying cavities and spaces.
  • Double Ended Design For Retracting Different Tissues.
  • Atraumatic Working End Rims For Minimizing Trauma.
  • Ergonomic Fenestrated Handle For Maximum Control.
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