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Kielland Obstetrical Forceps

Kielland Obstetrical Forceps is a specialized device that obstetric surgeons use to grasp, mobilize, and pull the baby€™s head during complicated vaginal delivery, in order to minimize maternal and fetal mortality rates.

  • Wide, Curved Blades that Adjust to the Baby’s Head.
  • Slinding Lock to Control the Clamping Action.
  • Plier Grip Style Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.


The Kielland Obstetrical Forceps offers a wide array of advantages during forceps delivery. Its principal use is to embrace the fetal head and make sure to pull it out of the vaginal canal.

For this purpose, the instrument features deeply curved jaws supplied with wide fenestrations. As a result, surgeons can observe a portion of the baby€™s head during the procedures. Also, the curved blades accurately follow the shape of the skull for a secure grip.

Moreover, the Kielland Obstetrical Forceps features an ergonomic handle that surgeons can press to open the blades. In addition, the handle includes a straight shaft attached to a slide lock, which helps to achieve self-retraining clamping.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel to ensure the highest quality instruments in your operating rooms.


Gynecology & Obstetrics

Author Name



Obstetrical Forceps



Working End Details

Fenestrated Blades

Handle Type

Grip Handle

Overall Length

41 cm – 16 1/4″




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Gynecology & Obstetrics,
Product Category: Forceps,
Product Type: Obstetrical Forceps,


K-Wire Repositioning Forceps

(0 Reviews)
K-Wire Repositioning Forceps is a specialized surgical tool that orthopedic surgeons can use for manipulating and holding bone fractured fragments in place, in order to perform skeletal transfixion.
  • Straight & Curved Jaws Granting Access Into Narrow Cavities.
  • Long Ratchet for Controlled Static Clamping.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Maximum Control.

Lister Conjunctival Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Lister Conjunctival Forcep is a multipurpose surgical device that surgeons can use to grasp and manipulate the conjunctival tissue, and also to remove foreign bodies from the surgical field.
  • Atraumatic 1 x 2 Toothed Jaws For Firm Tissue Grasp.
  • Versatile Spring Action For Controlled Clamping.
  • Ergonomic Flat Handles For Maximum Control.

Micro Alligator Forceps

(0 Reviews)
Micro Alligator Forceps is a multipurpose otolaryngology device that surgeons frequently use to grasp and manipulate tissues and materials inside the middle ear, where other forceps types struggle to access and endanger local structures.
  • Smooth & Serrated Profiles for Suiting All Needs.
  • 4.0 Tip Size for Grasping Delicate Structures.
  • 0.6mm Jaws Width for Passing Into Narrow Cavities.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Maximum Control.

Oldberg Tumor Grasping Forceps

(0 Reviews)
Oldberg Tumor Grasping Forceps is a specialized device that neurosurgeons commonly use to grasp, hold and mobilize abnormal brain tissue and tumours out of the skull.
  • Cup-Shaped Tips Promoting Safe Tissue Manipulation.
  • 6.5mm Tip Diameter to Hold Large Tumours.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Control.

Sauer Fixation Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Sauer Fixation Forcep is a specialized device that ophthalmic surgeons can use to grasp, hold and retract tissues or certain surgical materials, such as intraocular lenses, during a variety of ocular procedures.
  • 1 x 2 Delicate Teeth Ensuring Safe Holding.
  • 0.3mm Tip Size for Reaching Minute Structures.
  • Ergonomic Spring Handle Promoting Maximum Control.

Stille-Barraya Dissecting Forcep

(0 Reviews)
The Stille-Barraya Dissecting Forcep is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used for gripping delicate tissues. Its broad tips allows surgeons to manipulate bulky and delicate tissues without damaging them. Commonly used in cardiovascular, general and plastic surgeries.
  • Tips Have Serrations And Teeth For Secure Grip
  • Long Slender Jaws For Wide Access To Tissues
  • Serrated Thumb Grips Work As Anti-Slip Mechanism

Westmacott Nasal Polypus Forceps

(0 Reviews)
Westmacott Nasal Polypus Forceps assists doctors to excise soft polyps in nasal cavities and extract soft tissue masses from different nasal pathologies.
  • Capacious finger rings for convenience and efficiency.
  • Angled shafts for optimal jaw visualization.
  • Serrated jaws for firm and non-slip grasps.
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