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Kelly Retractor

Kelly Retractor is a hand-held surgical device that allows surgeons to retract and pull back the edges or surgical incisions and wounds in order to obtain maximum exposure of the operating site.

  • Wide L-Shaped Blade For Retracting Large Tissue Sections.
  • Terminal Blade Curve For Avoiding Tissue Slippage.
  • Fenestrated Handle With Anterior Ridges For Superior Control.


The Kelly Retractor has several features that offer a wide range of surgical advantages.

For example, the wide blade is right-angled and has a terminal downward curve. Thanks to this feature, surgeons can slip the blade inside the incision opening without causing local injury.

In addition, the upper surface of the blade has a concave shape. As a result, the surgical view after retraction is wider.

Moreover, the retractor has a fenestrated handle with anterior ridges to accomodate fingers. Consequently, surgeons can perform lenghty procedures without fatigue.

Lastly, all our Kelly Retractors are available in multiple working end sizes for reaching different layers of tissue.

Author Name



Cardiovascular, General Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Stomach, Intestine & Rectum, Urology


Hand Held Retractors


Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas

Handle Type

Fenestrated Handle

Overall Length

26 cm – 10 1/4″




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Cardiovascular,
General Surgery Instruments,
Gynecology & Obstetrics,
Stomach, Intestine & Rectum,
Product Category: Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas,
Product Type: Hand Held Retractors,


Bailey-Baby Rib Contractor

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The ® Bailey-Baby Rib Contractor is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used for approximating ribs for suturing. After thoracotomy, the instrument brings adjacent ribs together for accurate suturing during various cardiovascular procedures.
  • Claw Blades To Prevent Slippage
  • Ergonomic Design For Superior Control
  • Smooth Outer Edges To Prevent Inadvertent Soft Tissue Damage

Buchs Retractor

(0 Reviews)
Buchs Retractor is a multipurpose surgical tool that allows surgeons to manipulate and retract the intestines, muscular tissue flaps and peritoneum folds during general surgery and other intra-abdominal procedures.
  • Duckbill Shaped Blade For Atraumatic Tissue Retraction.
  • Concave Upper Blade Surface Ideal For Pushing Back Tubular Structures.
  • Ergonomic Teardrop Handle For Maximum Control.

Cottle Nasal Hook

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Cottle Nasal Hook is a solid hook-shaped surgical tool designed to grasp soft tissues and expose their underlying structures during rhinoplasty and other nasal surgeries.
  • Single Sharp Prong End For Optimal Tissue Grasping
  • Curved Profile Ideal For Reaching Hidden Cavities
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle For Maximum Control

Disyuntor de Paladar de Turvey

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Disyuntor de Paladar de Turvey es un instrumento especializado que permite separar la sutura palatina, a fin de ganar acceso a regiones más profundas del cráneo.
  • Hojas Dentadas que Incrementan la Fijación.
  • Mecanismo de Resorte para Aperturas Controladas.
  • Agarre Firme Gracias a sus Mangos Ergonómicos.

Frazier Dura Hook

(0 Reviews)
Frazier Dura Hook is a specialized tool that neurosurgeons commonly use to grasp, elevate and mobilize the cranial dura, especially during craniotomy and other procedures that require exposure of the brain.
  • Extra-Rounded Hook Ensuring Excellent Retraction.
  • Slim Straight Shaft for Deep Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Promoting Maximum Control.

Henley Self Retaining Retractor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Henley Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used in a variety of surgical procedures for retracting tissues. Its special prongs and central blades work to clear the surgical field for clean access during orthopedic, general as well as gynecological procedures.
  • Dual Sharp/Blunt Prongs For Appropriate Retraction
  • Curved Shanks For Easy Placement
  • Finger Ring Handles For Comfortable Handling
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