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Irrigador de Sheets

Irrigador de Sheets es un instrumento oftalmológico que permite extraer el núcleo de la cámara anterior y de la cápsula a través del túnel escleral, a fin de reemplazarlo con un LIO.

  • 3 Puertos Frontales que Optimizan la Irrigación.
  • Superficie Estriada para Aferrarse al Núcleo.
  • Base Conectora para Ensamblar con la Jeringa.


El Irrigador de Sheets ofrece ventajas en ciertas técnicas de cirugía de cataratas. Su función consiste en remover el núcleo de la cámara anterior sin lesionar tejidos adyacentes.

Para este fin, el instrumento posee un tubo delgado con un ángulo ideal para acceder a la cámara anterior. A su vez, su parte activa consiste de un lazo provisto de estrías en su superficie para sujetar el núcleo. Tras sujetarlo, tres puertos frontales irrigan fluidos hacia la cámara para desplazar el núcleo por el túnel escleral.

Nuestro Irrigador de Sheets presenta una base conectora de forma cúbica. De tal modo, el cirujano puede ensamblar la base con un sistema de irrigación como un bulbo o jeringa.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de excelente calidad con un impecable acabado de espejo.

Author Name
Instrument Profile

Curvado, Curved

Working End Size

Espejo, Mirror


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: Ophthalmic,
Product Category: Suction Tubes, Cannulas & Trocars,
Product Type: Ophthalmic Cannulas,


Coakley Antrum Trocar

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Coakley Antrum Trocar is a specialized device that ENT and other surgeons can use to traverse the wall of a cavity, access its content and permit the drainage of fluids, pus or other substances.
  • Sharp-Pointed Tip to Puncture Soft & Connective Tissue.
  • Cannula Extension Ensuring Fluid Withdrawal.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Promoting Superior Control.

Hydrodissection Cannula

(0 Reviews)
Hydrodissection Cannula is a specialized device that ophthalmic surgeons can use to dissect the fragile tissues of the eye using a pressurized stream of water, which results less traumatic than the usual sharp dissection.
  • 25 Gauge Delicate Tube to Traverse Narrow Spaces.
  • Angled Profile to Conform to the Capsule's Anatomy.
  • Ergonomic Hub Handle Ensuring Optimal Gripping.

Scalp Suction Elevator

(0 Reviews)
Scalp Suction Elevator is a specialized device that ENT, maxillofacial and plastic surgeons can use to suction debris and fluids from the surgical field and lift periosteal flaps to expose bone surfaces.
  • Round Blade Tip for Elevating Tissue Flaps.
  • 8.5mm Working End Size to Pass into Small Areas.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Drof Infusion Cannula

(0 Reviews)
Heslin Infusion Cannula is a specialized ophthalmic tool that surgeons commonly use to inject a saline solution that replaces the vitreous humour, especially during vitreoretinal eye surgeries.
  • 3mm Tip with Bevelled Port for Atraumatic Fluid Injection.
  • Straight Profile Promoting Deep Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Tube Hub for Smooth Flow of Fluids.

Lacrimal Cannula

(0 Reviews)
Lacrimal Cannula is a specialized instrument that ophthalmic surgeons use to access the lacrimal canaliculus and the nasolacrimal duct, in order to explore and treat duct blockage to permit an adequate tear flow.
  • Blunt-Edged Tip to Prevent Local Injury.
  • Curved & Straight Patterns to Fit All Appliacations.
  • Ergonomic Hub Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Suction Raspatory

(0 Reviews)
Suction Raspatory is a multipurpose device that helps ENT, maxillofacial and plastic surgeons to smooth the edges of split bones and remove the residual bone particles without the need of changing between instruments.
  • 4.0 & 5.0mm Port Diameters for Aspiring Fluids.
  • Angled Profile Promoting Access into Deep Areas.
  • Lateral Grip Plate Ensuring Superior Handling.

Atkinson Retrobulbar Needle

(0 Reviews)
Atkinson Retrobulbar Needle is a specialized ophthalmic device that surgeons can use to perform the retrobulbar block technique, where the operator injects anaesthesia in the retrobulbar space.
  • Bevelled Bore to Ensure Excellent Irrigation.
  • 23 Gauge Tube for Traversing Narrow Spaces.
  • Ergonomic Hub Handle Promoting Optimal Gripping.
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