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Graefe Cystotome & Curette

Graefe Cystotome & Curette is a specialized ophthalmic device that surgeons frequently use to create delicate incisions on the capsule and remove the lens nucleus, especially during ocular procedures involving lens replacement.

  • Double-Ended Profile to Suit Multiple Functions.
  • Straight Shafts Promoting Deep Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.


The Graefe Cystotome & Curette offers a broad range of surgical advantages. Its principal use is to incise the lens capsule and create an opening to remove the lens using the curette.

For this purpose, the instrument features a double-ended profile to perform different surgical steps. For example, the cystotome or pricker is ideal to create a delicate incision in the capsule and expose the surgical field. The curette, otherwise, has a slight curve and permits to remove the lens after the initial incision.

Moreover, the Graefe Cystotome & Curette features a square-shaped handle that enhances gripping. Its has a smooth-surfaced profile that not only offers comforts but also prevents slippage.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel to ensure the highest quality instruments in your operating rooms.



Author Name



Ophthalmic Knives


Knives, Needles & Picks

Instrument Profile

Double Ended

Handle Type

Solid Handle

Overall Length

13.5 cm – 5 1/4″




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Ophthalmic,
Product Category: Knives, Needles & Picks,
Product Type: Ophthalmic Knives,


Carving Knife Fig. 29

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Freer Septum Knife

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The Freer Septum Knife assists plastic surgeons to perform cartilage and soft tissue incisions in septoplasty. Surgeons use the knife to score the nasal mucosa using parallel cuts.
  • Long handle to facilitate controlled movements.
  • Slender shaft for easy surgical access.
  • Several blade profiles to customize your approach.

Lichtwitz Antrum Puncture Needle

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Lichtwitz Antrum Puncture Needle is a specialized device that ENT and general surgeons use to probe, irrigate and suction the inferior meatus of the maxillary antrum, in order to drain fluid collections or pus.
  • 1.5 to 2.0mm Needle Diameters to Suit All Applications.
  • Straight Profile Promoting Deep Surgical Access.
  • Bottom Connecting Hub Ensuring Firm Attachment.

Rosen Circular Cutting Knife

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Rosen Circular Cutting Knife is an otolaryngology instrument that ear surgeons can use to raise skin flaps from the ear canal during tympanoplasty and other otology surgeries.
  • Semi-Sharp Blade Edges for Preventing Local Injury.
  • 1.0 to 3.0mm Blade Sizes for Suiting All Surgical Applications.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Tharp Carver Fig. 1

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Andrew Carver Fig. 1

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Cottle Rhinoplastic Knife

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The Cottle Rhinoplastic Knife has sharp cutting edges to make delicate skin and cartilage incisions in rhinoplasty. The device also assists in the elevation of tissue planes.
  • Serrated flat handle for non-slip grasps.
  • Slender neck for optimal surgical access in narrow spaces.
  • Premium stainless steel materials for a reliable service.
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