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Gimbel Stabilization Ring

Gimbel Stabilization Ring is a specialized ophthalmic tool that surgeons commonly use for providing stabilization to the ocular globe, thereby holding it into an optimal position for performing LASIK.

  • Versatile Swivel Handle For Accurate Positioning.
  • Atraumatic Toothed Ring For Optimal Eye Fixation.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle For Maximum Control.


The Gimbel Stabilization Ring offers multiple benefits for ophthalmic surgeons. These benefits play an important role to maintain the ocular globe in place during eye laser surgery.

For this purpose, the instrument features a 13mm working end supplied with a swivel mechanism. Moreover, the swivel comprises a toothed ring. The ring has blunt teeth on both of its surfaces, which allow fixating the eye statically in the desired surgical spot.

In addition, the device features a solid, square-shaped handle provided with an ergonomic design. As a result, surgeons can perform lengthy procedures while preventing finger strain.

All our Gimbel Stabilization Rings are available in premium grade stainless steel, ensuring a long-lasting experience for your surgical staff.



Author Name



Indicators & Measurement

Handle Type

Solid Handle

Overall Length

11.5 cm – 4 1/2″

Working End Size

13 mm




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Ophthalmic,
Product Category: Indicators & Measurement,
Product Type:


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  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Superior Surgical Control.

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  • Ribbon Ring Handles For Comfortable Handling

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  • Valvas de 13 y 15mm para Múltiples Pacientes.
  • Estructura Fenestrada que Optimiza la Visibilidad.
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