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Gigli Saw Handle

Gigli Saw Handle is an accessory instrument that allows for carrying the Gigli Wire Saw during certain surgeries that require osteotomy. This device provides the advantage of cutting bones from multiple angles and directions.

  • T-Shaped Design to Perform Oscillating Movements.
  • Distal Hook to Securely Hold the Gigli Saw.
  • Ergonomic Lugs Ensuring Maximum Control.


The Gigli Saw Handle offers a wide array of benefits in several orthopedic and neurosurgical procedures. Its sole purpose is to hold and manipulate the Gigli Wire Saw.

To this end, this accessory includes a distal, small hook that easily suits the saw’s rings. As a result, the device provides an excellent holding action and prevents the wire to slip or disassemble.

Moreover, the Gigli Saw Handle features a T-shaped design supplied with ergonomic lateral plugs. Therefore, surgeons can manipulate the plugs with different fingers to create an oscillating cutting motion in the desired direction.

Manufactured in premium grade stainless steel to ensure the highest quality instruments in your operating rooms.

Author Name



Neurosurgery / Spine, Orthopedic


Amputation Saws


Files, Saws & Rasps

Handle Type

T Shaped Handle






Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Neurosurgery / Spine
Product Category: Files, Saws & Rasps
Product Type: Amputation Saws


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  • Curved Tube Profile to Reach Deep Surgical Targets.
  • Tapered Hollow Handle Ensuring Superior Control.

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  • Agarre Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.

Ferrozell Ligature Conductor

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Ferrozell Ligature Conductors are used by surgeons to facilitate the performance of deep surgical ligatures.
  • Ferrozell Handle For Control & Comfort.
  • Slender Neck For Optimal Visual Field.
  • Length Of 24 Cm (9 1/2 Inches) For Deep Surgical Access.

Gardner Bone Chisel

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  • Atraumatic Triangular Beveled Tip for Minimizing Lcoal Damage.
  • Right & Left Working Ends for Different Surgical Approaches.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Maximum Control.

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  • Contoured Aluminum Plate for Suiting the Hand.
  • Malleable Strips for Locking the Hand in Position.
  • Pediatric & Adult Sizes for Treating All Patients.
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