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Espéculo de Cushing-Landolt

Espéculo de Cushing-Landolt es un instrumento especializado que permite ampliar la fosa nasal deseada en cirugías transesfenoidales y otros procedimientos, a fin de obtener una visión clara del sitio operatorio.

  • Hojas Cóncavas que Amplían la Visión del Campo.
  • Bordes Romos para Inserciones Atraumáticas.
  • Mecanismo de Tuerca para Calibrar la Apertura.


El Espéculo de Cushing-Landolt ofrece un amplio abanico de beneficios en neurocirugía. Su función principal consiste en ensanchar la cavidad nasal para permitir el paso de otros instrumentos.

De tal modo, el espéculo posee dos hojas de media caña que proporcionan una visión de túnel dentro de la cavidad nasal. Además, dichas hojas están disponibles en tres tamaños para ajustarse a diferentes anatomías.

Nuestro Espéculo de Cushing-Landolt ostenta un mecanismo de tuerca para controlar la apertura de las hojas. Asimismo, sus mangos curveados sirven como excelente punto de apoyo para estabilizar el ángulo de inserción.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de alta calidad, fácil de esterilizar, con un acabado mate que reduce los destellos de luz.

Author Name
Joint Type

Riveteada / Tornillo, Rivet / Screw

Ratchet / Lock

Traba de Tornillo, Screw Lock


Satinado, Satin


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: Neurosurgery / Spine,
Product Category: Speculums,
Product Type: Brain Speculums,


Leriche Artery Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Leriche Artery Forcep is a specialized device that surgeons use to clamp blood vessels, especially small arteries, during a variety of surgical scenarios. The instrument is also useful to grasp disposable materials, tissues and sutures.
  • Transverse Serrations to Prevent Endothelial Damage.
  • 1 x 2 Toothed Optional Patterns for Enhanced Clamping.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Control.

Masing Lid Retractor

(0 Reviews)
Masing Lid Retractor is a hand-held tool that allows surgeons to retract and set apart the eyelids during ophthalmologic exploration or during surgical procedures.
  • Concave Wide Blade For Safe Retraction Of The Eyelids
  • Ergonomic Slender Handle For Superior Surgical Control
  • Dynamic Long Shaft For Reaching Different Angles

Micro Pituitary Curette

(0 Reviews)
Micro Pituitary Curette is a specialized tool that surgeons commonly use to scrape off the sphenoid bone that surrounds the pituitary and other soft tissues, in order to decompress the gland or ease its surgical excision.
  • Cup or Fenestrated Tips for Precise Tissue Removal.
  • Different Shaft Profiles to Perform Multiple Approaches.
  • Knurled Grip Style Handle Ensuring Strong Gripping.

Modell Wien Ligature Catcher

(0 Reviews)
Modell Wien Ligature Catchers are surgical instrument that assist the in grasping ligatures during suturing procedures
  • Polygonal Stainless Steel Handle For Firm Grips.
  • Smooth Satin Finish With Hooked Tip For Delicate Procedures.
  • Slender Profile For Easy Surgical Access.

Penfield Dura Dissector

(0 Reviews)
Horsley Dura Elevator is a specialized device that ENT or neurosurgeons use to separate soft tissues from its overlaying bone structures, such as the cranial dura from the skull bone.
  • Multiple Blade Profiles for Suiting All Applications.
  • Curved & Angled Designs for Deep Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Roux Retractor

(0 Reviews)
Roux Retractor is a multipurpose surgical tool that allows surgeons to mobilize, retract and statically hold back wound edges and soft tissues, especially during infant and general surgery procedures.
  • Double Ended Profile For Retracting Different Tissues.
  • Smooth Working End Surface For Avoiding Local Damage.
  • Ergonomic Cetral Handle For Superior Control.

Scoville Bone Curette

(0 Reviews)
Scoville Bone Curette is a specialized device that orthopaedic surgeons use to gouge out abnormal bone growths and other hard tissues, especially from hard-to-reach surgical targets.
  • Sharp-Edged Tip for Scraping Surfaces with Ease.
  • Bent Downwards & Upwards to Suit Different Approaches.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
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