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Enucleador de Tendón

Enucleador de Tendón es un instrumento ortopédico que los cirujanos usan para destirpar y extraer los tendones de su unión con el hueso, a fin de preparar el sitio quirúrgico en diversas cirugías de reparación articular u ósea.

  • Hoja de Mediacaña para Ensartar el Tendón.
  • Vástago Recto y Largo para Abordajes Profundos.
  • Agarre Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.


El Enucleador de Tendón ofrece un margen variado de beneficios en cirugías de implantes ortopédicos. Su función principal radica en destirpar los tendones de un hueso determinado para desnudarlo.

Para tal fin, el instrumento ostenta una pequeña hoja de mediacaña con bordes romos para manipular el tendón. Además, su tamaño es ideal para abordar tendones delicados sin lesionarlos. Por otro lado, su superficie interna es lisa para minimizar desgarros por deslizamiento.

Nuestro Enucleador de Tendón también exhibe un mango voluminoso y ahuecado que aligera su peso. A su vez, sus superficies muestran hendiduras verticales que otorgan confort y firmeza al sujetar el enucleador.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de excelente calidad con un acabado mate que evita reflejos de luz.

Category Ancillary Products and Accessories, Ancillary Products and Accessories
Instrument Profile Mango Maleable, Malleable Shaft
Handle Type Mango Ahuecado, Hollow Handle
Overall Length 23 cm – 9″, 23 cm – 9″
Finish Satinado, Satin
Material Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel
CE Marking Si, Yes
Reusable Si, Yes
Used in Specialties: Orthopedic
Product Category: Ancillary Products and Accessories
Product Type: Tendon Instruments


DeBakey Suction Tube

(0 Reviews)
DeBakey Suction Tube is a specialized device that surgeons in multiple fields use to permit the drainage of fluids out of a cavity, especially to enhance the view of the surgical site.
  • 9.0mm Diameter Working End for Enhanced Suction.
  • Curved Tube Profile to Reach Deep Surgical Targets.
  • Tapered Hollow Handle Ensuring Superior Control.

Elevador para Uñas de Fickling

(0 Reviews)
Elevador para Uñas de Fickling es un instrumento de quiropedia y podiatría que permite levantar una uña encarnada, con la finalidad de extraerla del lecho ungueal.
  • Borde Romo que Reduce los Daños Locales.
  • Disponible con Espátula Ancha o Estrecha.
  • Agarre Impecable Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.

Ferrozell Ligature Conductor

(0 Reviews)
Ferrozell Ligature Conductors are used by surgeons to facilitate the performance of deep surgical ligatures.
  • Ferrozell Handle For Control & Comfort.
  • Slender Neck For Optimal Visual Field.
  • Length Of 24 Cm (9 1/2 Inches) For Deep Surgical Access.

Gardner Bone Chisel

(0 Reviews)
Gardner Bone Chisel is an orthopedic surgical device that surgeons frequently use to cut, carve and excise bone tissue, in order to repair fractures or relieve pressure on collapsed joints. Also, the instrument allows harvesting bone grafts from the superior iliac spines.
  • Atraumatic Triangular Beveled Tip for Minimizing Lcoal Damage.
  • Right & Left Working Ends for Different Surgical Approaches.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle For Maximum Control.

Hand Fixation Device

(0 Reviews)
Hand Fixation Device is a specialized surgical device that orthopedic surgeons frequently use for resting the hand and lock it into an optimal position, in order to perform hand surgeries and avoid involuntary muscular movements that may hinder the procedure.
  • Contoured Aluminum Plate for Suiting the Hand.
  • Malleable Strips for Locking the Hand in Position.
  • Pediatric & Adult Sizes for Treating All Patients.

Hohmann-Aldinger Bone Lever (Retractor)

(0 Reviews)
Hohmann-Aldinger Bone Lever (Retractor) is a specialized surgical tool that orthopedic surgeons can use for pulling and holding back the soft tissues of wound edges, especially to reveal the surgical field during arthroplasty procedures.
  • Entirely Curved Design Granting Deep Surgical Access.
  • 24.0mm Blade Size for Small & Medium-Size Wound Exposure.
  • Ergonomic ring Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Jefferson Self Retaining Retractor

(0 Reviews)
Jefferson Self Retaining Retractor is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used for retracting wounds and incision during a variety of surgical procedures. Commonly used during neurological, orthopedic and general surgeries.
  • Hooked Prongs For Secure Tissue Grip
  • Curved Blades For Better Tissue Access
  • Ergonomic Design For Comfortable Handling
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