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Disyuntor de Paladar de Turvey

Disyuntor de Paladar de Turvey es un instrumento especializado que permite separar la sutura palatina, a fin de ganar acceso a regiones más profundas del cráneo.

  • Hojas Dentadas que Incrementan la Fijación.
  • Mecanismo de Resorte para Aperturas Controladas.
  • Agarre Firme Gracias a sus Mangos Ergonómicos.


El Disyuntor de Paladar de Turvey es indispensable en ciertos abordajes maxilofaciales. Su función consiste en romper la sutura palatomaxilar en procedimientos de reconstrucción.

Para este fin, el instrumento cuenta con mandíbulas rectangulares de bordes finos que se ajustan a los bordes de la sutura. Además, las superficies externas poseen estrías horizontales que se aferran al hueso durante la división.

Nuestro Disyuntor de Paladar de Turvey exhibe un mecanismo de acción inversa. Es decir, se abre a la prensión de los mangos, y para esto, un mecanismo de resorte ayuda a controlar la fuerza ejercida. Asimismo, la estructura de los mangos es curvada para adaptarse a la anatomía de la palma.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de excelente calidad con un acabado mate que evita reflejos de luz.

Author Name
Working End Details Mandíbulas Estriadas, Serrated Jaws
Handle Type Mango de Agarre, Grip Handle
Overall Length 17 cm – 6 3/4″, 17 cm – 6 3/4″
Finish Satinado, Satin
Material Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel
CE Marking Si, Yes
Reusable Si, Yes
Used in Specialties: ENT
Oral & Maxillofacial
Product Category:
Product Type: Bone Separators


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  • Slightly Convex Impacting Surfaces for Smooth Hammering Action.
  • Heavy-Headed Design for Higher Surgical Precision.
  • Ergonomic Teflon Handle for Enhanced Gripping.

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  • Short Blades For Superior Control
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  • Atraumatic Pointed Tip for Minimizing Local Damage.
  • Wide Blade Design Granting Small Wound Exposure.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Zielke Bone Gouge

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Zielke Bone Gouge is a specialized surgical device that orthopedic surgeons can use for carving and scooping the soft, cancellous bone tissue, in order to obtain bone grafting material and biopsy samples.
  • Atraumatic Cutting Edge for Smooth Scooping Action.
  • Slightly Curved Blade for Reaching Narrow Cavities.
  • Ergonomic Ferrozell Handle for Enhanced Gripping.

Adson Dissecting Forcep

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The ® Adson Dissecting Forcep is a specialized surgical instrument commonly used for grasping delicate tissues during complex surgeries of the eye, nose and throat. The instrument is commonly used in ophthalmic procedures, ENT surgeries as well as general and vascular surgeries.
  • Narrow Jaws For Grasping Delicate Tissue
  • Toothed Jaws For Secure Grip
  • Light Weight For Comfortable Handling
TC Inserts For Impeccable Gripping

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  • Ergonomically Designed Handles To Decrease Effort
  • High Grade Nylon Treated Stop For Maximum Comfort
  • Ultra Durable

Blumenthal Bone Rongeur

(0 Reviews)
Blumenthal Bone Rongeur is a specialized surgical tool that surgeons commonly use for cutting and nipping away bone pieces and other hard tissues, in order to broaden pre-formed holes or sculpt delicate bones.
  • Multiple Jaw Profiles for Suiting All Surgical Applications.
  • Sharp Tips Granting Smooth Cutting Action.
  • Ergonomic Plier Style Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
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