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Disector para Córnea

Disector para Córnea es un instrumento especializado que permite crear cortes discretos en la córnea y en sus tejidos anexos, a fin de exponer el sitio operatorio.

  • Diseño Angulado que Optimiza el Abordaje.
  • Hoja Recta o Curvada para Múltiples Aplicaciones.
  • Excelente Manejo Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.


El Disector para Córnea ofrece beneficios indispensables en procedimientos oftalmológicos invasivos. Su función principal consiste en ganar visibilidad de los contenidos de la cámara anterior mediante incisiones corneales.

Para este fin, el instrumento cuenta con una hoja angulada y estrecha, ideal para ejecutar cortes minutos. Además, está disponible en modelos recto y curvado para abordar el ojo desde varias perspectivas.

Nuestro Disector para Córnea ostenta un mango cilíndrico y recto que asegura un dominio íntegro de la parte activa. Aparte, su superficie moleteada brinda una textura confortable y firme que evita resbalamientos accidentales.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de alta calidad, fácil de esterilizar, con un acabado mate que reduce los destellos de luz.

Author Name
Handle Type

Mango Sólido Redondeado, Solid Round Handle

Overall Length

12 cm – 4 3/4″, 12 cm – 4 3/4


Satinado, Satin


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: Ophthalmic,
Product Category: Dissectors, Elevators & Levers,
Product Type:


Noyes Iris Scissor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Noyes Iris Scissor is a multi-functional scissor that is commonly used for precision surgeries. It is preferred by surgeons during specialized procedures including iridotomy, muscle resection as well as other ocular, ENT and plastic surgeries.
  • Multiple Tip Configurations For Appropriate Dissection
  • Short Blades To Increase Precison
  • Serrated Handles For Secure Grip

Rotador de Jaffe-Bechert

(0 Reviews)
Rotador de Jaffe-Bechert es un instrumento oftalmológico que los cirujanos usan para sujetar, mover y rotar el cristalino, a fin de posicionarlo para su posterior fragmentación.
  • Diseño Bifurcado para Sujeciones Impecables.
  • Vástago Angulado a 9mm de la Punta.
  • Excelente Manejo Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.

Silverman Fixation Hook

(0 Reviews)
Silverman Fixation Hook is a specialized ophthalmic device that surgeons can use to engage, fixate and retract the most delicate tissues of the eye, such as the scleral tissue and the corneal stroma.
  • Semi-Sharp Cone Shaped Tip For Atraumatic Tissue Retraction.
  • Resilient Straight Shank For Higher Surgical Precision.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle For Maximum Control.

Tanna-Lieberman Eye Speculum

(0 Reviews)
Tanna-Lieberman Eye Speculum is a specialized device that ophthalmic surgeons can use for statically maintaining the eyelids apart, in order to gain maximum exposure of the ocular surgical field.
  • Fenestrated Blade Profile Ensuring Enhanced Sightlines.
  • Angled Outline for Fitting the Facial Contour.
  • Adjustable Compound Mechanism to Self-Lock the Blades.

West Lacrimal Cannula

(0 Reviews)
West Lacrimal Cannula is a specialized tool that ophthalmic surgeons commonly use to probe, irrigate and remove obstructions of the lacrimal ducts, in order to restore the natural tear flow.
  • Straight Profile for Deep Canaliculus Access.
  • 23 Gauge Tube Ensuring Optimal Tear Flow.
  • Ergonomic Hub Handle Promoting Higher Precision.

Akahoshi Phaco PreChopper

(0 Reviews)
Akahoshi Phaco PreChopper is a specialized surgical tool that ophthalmic surgeons can use to partially dividing the lens nucleus, looking towards its further complete fragmentation and removal from the capsular bag.
  • Atraumatic Cross Sharp Jaws For Minimizing Capsular Damage.
  • Versatile Spring Mechanism For Carefully Opening The Jaws.
  • Ergonomic Flat Handles For Superior Surgical Control.

Bechert Lens Holding Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Bechert Lens Holding Forcep is a specialized surgical tool that surgeons can use to grasp and pull out the IOL implant from the lens case, looking towards its further insertion into the anterior segment of the eye.
  • Atraumatic Curved Jaws For Minimizing Local Injury.
  • Cross-Action Mechanism For Controlled Clamping Pressure.
  • Ergonomic Fenestrated Handle For Enhanced Gripping.
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