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Dilatador Lagrimal de Muldoon

Dilatador Lagrimal de Muldoon es un instrumento oftalmológico que permite sondear y dilatar el punto lagrimal, a fin de eliminar la obstrucción de los conductos, reestablecer el flujo natural de las lágrima y tratar síntomas como la epífora.

  • Diseño Cónico para Dilataciones Graduales.
  • Punta Fina que Optimiza el Abordaje.
  • Agarre Impecable Gracias a su Mango Moleteado.


El Dilatador Lagrimal de Muldoon es una herramienta indicada en la resolución del colapso del sistema lagrimal. Su función principal consiste en ampliar el conducto lagrimal para eliminar su obstrucción.

Para este fin, el instrumento cuenta con parte activa cónica para ampliar el conducto de forma gradual. Asimismo, su punta es más fina para sondear el punto lagrimal cómodamente.

Nuestro Dilatador Lagrimal de Muldoon también exhibe un mango cilíndrico, liviano y recto. Aparte, su superficie ostenta un patrón moleteado que transmite una sensación de confort y firmeza al tacto.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de excelente calidad con un acabado mate que evita reflejos de luz.

Author Name
Handle Type

Mango Sólido Redondeado, Solid Round Handle

Overall Length

10 cm – 4″, 10 cm – 4


Satinado, Satin


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: Ophthalmic,
Product Category: Probes & Dilators,
Product Type: Lacrimal Dilators,


Dental Explorer Fig. 23/6

(0 Reviews)
The Dental Explorer Fig. 23/6 is a sharp instrument used to detect the presence of caries. It also ensures caries free cavity margins and floor after cavity preparation.
  • Diamond Pattern Knurling For Optimum Gripping
  • Extra Sharp For Maximum Accuracy
  • Ergonomic, Hollow & Light Weight Handles For Maximum Comfort & Minimizing The Risk Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Explorer/Screening Probe Fig. 23/CP-11.5B

(0 Reviews)
The Explorer/Screening Probe Fig. 23/CP-11.5B is a dental instrument that has two end. One is graduated and used to measure the depths of periodontal pockets, and the degree of attachment loss, and the other is used as an explorer to test the presence of caries and ensure a caries free cavity.
  • Diamond Pattern Knurled Handle For An Optimum Grip
  • Ergonomic, Round, Hollow & Light Weight Handles For Maximum Comfort & Minimizing The Risk Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Double Ended, With One Graduated, Slender Shank With A Ball Shaped Blunt Tipped End, And One Gently Curved Sharp End Providing Maximum Accuracy & Versatility

Michigan Explorer/Measuring Probe Fig. 23/O

(0 Reviews)
The Michigan Explorer/Measuring Probe Fig. 23/O is a dental instrument that has two end. One is graduated and used to measure the depths of periodontal pockets, and the degree of attachment loss, and the other is used as an explorer to test the presence of caries and ensure a caries free cavity.
  • Diamond Pattern Knurled Handle For An Optimum Grip
  • Ergonomic, Round, Hollow & Light Weight Handles For Maximum Comfort & Minimizing The Risk Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Double Ended, With One Graduated, Slender Blunt Tipped End, And One Gently Curved Sharp End Providing Maximum Accuracy & Versatility

University of North Carolina Measuring Probe Fig. CP-15

(0 Reviews)
The University of North Carolina Measuring ProbeFig. CP-15 is a dental instrument used to measure the depths of periodontal pockets, and the degree of attachment loss.
  • Diamond Pattern Knurled Handle For An Optimum Grip
  • Ergonomic, Round, Hollow & Light Weight Handles For Maximum Comfort & Minimizing The Risk Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Single Ended, With A Slender, Extra Long, Graduated Tip For Maximum Accuracy

Dental Explorer Fig. 6/3

(0 Reviews)
The Dental Explorer Fig. 6/3 is a sharp instrument used to detect the presence of caries. It also ensures caries free cavity margins and floor after cavity preparation.
  • Diamond Pattern Knurling For Optimum Gripping
  • Extra Sharp For Maximum Accuracy
  • Ergonomic, Hollow & Light Weight Handles For Maximum Comfort & Minimizing The Risk Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Harms Trabeculotomy Probe

(0 Reviews)
Harms Trabeculotomy Probe is a specialized device that ophthalmic surgeons use to widen the canal of Schlemm, in order to permit fluid drainage from the anterior chamber and release the intraocular pressure.
  • Blunt Tip Profile Promoting Atraumatic Probing.
  • Left or Right Sided Prongs to Suit All Applications.
  • Knurled Style Grip Pattern Ensuring Superior Control.

Pratt Fistula Probe

(0 Reviews)
Pratt Fistula Probe is a specialized device that general surgeons and coloproctologists use to explore the lower rectum, the anus and their frequent pathologies such as haemorrhoids and colorectal fistulae.
  • Hook-Type Probe to Remove O-Rings with Ease.
  • Blunt Tip Profile to Avoid Local Injury.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Superior Control.
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