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Dautrey-Munro Osteotome

Dautrey-Munro Osteotome is a specialized surgical tool that surgeons commonly use to cut and divide the delicate cortical hard bone, especially during certain maxillofacial surgeries.

  • Atraumatic Beveled Blade for Preventing Local Injury.
  • Available In Multiple Blade Shapes for Fulfilling All Surgical Indications.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Superior Control.


The Dautrey-Munro Osteotome offers a broad range of surgical advantages. These advantages come in handy during osteotomy procedures performed in maxillofacial procedures.

For this purpose, the instrument has a double-beveled blade supplied with a sharp cutting edge. Moreover, the blade is available in multiple sizes, ranging from 4.0 to 16mm. As a result, surgeons can pick an adequate size according to the anatomical variations on each patient.

In addition, the device features a solid handle equipped with a bottom oval impacting platform. Surgeons can hit the platform with a mallet to scrape slices of bone tissue or to divide it.

All our Dautrey-Munro Osteotomes are available in premium grade stainless steel with a dual satin and mirror finish.

Author Name



ENT, Oral & Maxillofacial, Orthopedic, Plastic Surgery


Bone Osteotomes


Impactors, Osteotomes, Chisels & Gouges

Handle Type

Solid Handle

Overall Length

16 cm – 6 1/4″


Dual Satin & Mirror


Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: ENT,
Oral & Maxillofacial,
Plastic Surgery,
Product Category: Impactors,
Osteotomes, Chisels & Gouges,
Product Type: Bone Osteotomes,


Periosteal Raspatory / Elevator Fig. 8D

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The Periosteal Raspatory / Elevator Fig. 8D is a dental instrument used to elevate and reflect the mucoperiosteum, exposing the underlying bone during oral surgeries.
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  • Plataforma Cóncava que Optimiza el Deslizamiento.
  • Disponible con Orientación a la Izquierda o Derecha.
  • Excelente Manejo Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.
  • Disponible en Modelo con Guía para Fibra Óptica.

Russel-Davis Tongue Depressor

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Russel-Davis Tongue Depressor is a specialized instrument that dentists, ENT and maxillofacial surgeons can use to press down the tongue for avoiding its projection into the surgical field.
  • Slightly Curved Blade to Fit the Tongue's Contour.
  • Central Fenestration to Allow Fluid Aspiration.
  • Ridged Flat Handle for Assembly with Mouth Gags.

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  • Sharp Edges For Precise Action
  • Light Weight For Comfortable Handling
  • Broad Handle For Secure Grip

Sluder-Ballenger Tonsillectome

(0 Reviews)
Sluder-Ballenger Tonsillectomes allow doctors to remove tonsils in an outpatient setting without intubation. It takes a shorter period than dissection tonsillectomy and results in less post-operative pain. However, it requires more vigilance to avoid unnecessary damage or tonsil remnants. In contrast, the dissection method of tonsillectomy makes a sharp incision in the anterior tonsillar pillar’s mucosa. Then, a snare helps to separate the lower pole of the tonsil.
  • Ergonomic Grip Handle For Controlled Cuts.
  • Perpendicular Shaft For Deep Surgical Reach.
  • Three Tonsillectome Blades Available.

Suction Raspatory

(0 Reviews)
Suction Raspatory is a multipurpose device that helps ENT, maxillofacial and plastic surgeons to smooth the edges of split bones and remove the residual bone particles without the need of changing between instruments.
  • 4.0 & 5.0mm Port Diameters for Aspiring Fluids.
  • Angled Profile Promoting Access into Deep Areas.
  • Lateral Grip Plate Ensuring Superior Handling.

Tubo de Succión Poole-Baby

(0 Reviews)
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  • Multiperforado para Drenar Volúmenes Grandes.
  • Tubo de Ø5.5mm para Espacios Estrechos.
  • Acoplador para Conectar con el Sistema de Succión.
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