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Cusco (Virgin) Vaginal Speculum

The ® Cusco (Virgin) Vaginal Speculum is a narrow blade vaginal speculum that is used to visualize the vaginal walls and cervix during biopsies, pelvic exams and IUCD insertions.

  • Narrow Blades For Comfortable Access To Narrow Vaginas
  • Self Retaining To Allow Gynecologist To Use Both Hands
  • Light Weight For Comfortable Handling


Our Cusco Vaginal Speculum comes with blunt tips to prevent inadvertent damage to surrounding tissues.

The smooth edges allow comfortable insertion with minimal damage. Comes with narrow blades that are comfortable for the narrow virgin vagina.

The instrument also has a special screw lock that enables gynecologist to open the vaginal walls and secure the view. This enables them to use both hands for manipulation.

In addition, the vaginal speculum has an easy open close mechanism. Gynecologists insert it in the closed position and gradually open it to visualize the walls of the vagina.

Moreover, the unique built of the speculum allows easy visualization and access to the cervix.

Diameter wide enough to allow gynecologist to insert instruments into the vagina during various procedures.

Moreover, the light weight and streamlined design of the Cusco (Virgin) Vaginal Speculum ensures comfortable handling.

In addition, the broad handles of the instrument allow easy manipulation of the instrument.

Made in premium grade stainless steel with a glare free satin finish. The instrument can be sterilized and reused.

Author Name



Gynecology & Obstetrics


Vaginal Speculums






Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: Gynecology & Obstetrics,
Product Category: Speculums,
Product Type: Vaginal Speculums,


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