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Cincel de Silver

Cincel de Silver es un instrumento especializado que permite cortar y remodelar estructuras óseas —tal como la porción ósea del dorso nasal— en rinoplastias y otras cirugías de ORL.

  • Hoja con Defensa para Reducir Daños Locales.
  • Bisel Atraumático que Evita Fracturas Iatrogénicas.
  • Manejo Impecable Gracias a su Mango Estriado.


El Cincel de Silver ofrece un rango variado de ventajas durante el acto operatorio. Su función principal consiste en tallar y eliminar porciones pequeñas de tejido óseo en cirugías reconstructivas.

Para lograrlo, el cincel cuenta con una hoja biselada provista de un borde cortante y una defensa lateral. Este diseño, a su vez, facilita la acción de remodelado al tiempo que minimiza las lesiones a la mucosa.

Nuestro Cincel de Silver está disponible en modelos recto y curvado hacia la izquierda o derecha. De tal modo, el cirujano puede escoger el patrón adecuado al enfoque y abordaje de la cirugía.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de primera calidad, que otorga una larga vida útil al instrumento.

Author Name

Silver, Silver

Working End Details

Con Protector, With Guard

Handle Type

Mango Sólido, Solid Handle

Overall Length

18 cm – 7″, 18 cm – 7

Working End Size

Dual Satin & Mirror, Dual Satin & Mirror


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: ENT,
Oral & Maxillofacial,
Product Category: Impactors,
Osteotomes, Chisels & Gouges,
Product Type: Bone Chisels,


Hartmann Ear Speculum

(0 Reviews)
Hartmann Ear Speculum is an extremely useful device that general, ENT, and otology practitioners use during routine ear exploration, in order to examine the external auditory canal, its mucosa, and the tympanic membrane.
  • 3.0 to 7.0mm Working End Diameters.
  • Funnel Design Ensuring Optimal Ear Access.
  • Available In Set of 3, 4 or 5 pieces.

Joseph Dissecting Scissor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Joseph Dissecting Scissor is a multipurpose instrument of valuable use for dissections in narrow spaces. Often used in oropharangeal and nasal surgeries for sharp dissections and cutting soft tissues.
  • Streamlined Profile Ideal For Use In Narrow Spaces
  • Sharp Outer Edges For Sharp Dissection And Cutting
  • Short Blades For Precise Control In Restricted Areas
New Dimension in Cutting Performance Tungsten Carbide Inserts Enabling 6x Performance

Kilner Skin Hook

(0 Reviews)
Kilner Skin Hook is an extremely useful design that surgeons in different areas may use to grasp, hold, and elevate flaps of tissues, especially during wound exploration and plastic surgery procedures.
  • Circular Hook Design to Isolate Tissues.
  • Sharp-Pointed Tip Ensuring Optimal Retractions.
  • Ergonomic Round Handle Promoting Maximum Control.

Lid Retractor

(0 Reviews)
Lid Retractor is an ophthalmologic surgical tool that ensures the optimal retraction of the eyelids without injuring surrounding tissues or the eyeball.
  • Dynamic Hollow Blade For Maximum Exposure
  • Ergonomic Flat Handle With Horizontal Ridges For Enhanced Gripping
  • Curved Blade Design For Atraumatic Eyelid Retraction

Maguaran Plate

(0 Reviews)
Maguaran Plate is a specialized accessory device that dentists, ENT and maxillofacial surgeons use to provide strong support to Draffin Bipod, in order to hold the Davis-Boyle Mouth Gag.
  • Small Circular Holes for Supporting the Draffin Bipod.
  • Flat Plate Design for Comfortable Carrying.
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