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Cincel de Lexer

Cincel de Lexer es un instrumento especializado que permite seccionar el periostio y remodelar el hueso cortical debajo de este, a fin de reparar fracturas o crear las condiciones adecuadas para implantaciones articulares.

  • Bisel Atraumático para Tallados Óptimos.
  • Modelos Recto y Curvado para Diferentes Aplicaciones.
  • Extremo de Trabajo de 10.0, 15.0 y 20.0mm de Ancho.


El Cincel de Lexer ofrece beneficios excepcionales al momento de tratar patologías ortopédicas. Su función principal radica en remover láminas del tejido óseo compacto para remodelar el hueso.

Para lograrlo, el instrumento exhibe un extremo biselado provisto de un borde cortante. Además, hay tres tamaños de extremo disponibles (10.0, 15.0 y 20.0mm) para abordar huesos de diferente tamaño.

Nuestro Cincel de Lexer también posee un mango sólido, cuadrado y recto. Su composición, a su vez, es de fibra de Ferrozell, la cual incrementa la firmeza y confort del agarre excepcionalmente.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de primera calidad, con acabados mate y de espejo que otorgan una funcionabilidad versátil al instrumento.

Author Name

Lexer, Lexer

Handle Type

Mango Solido de Ferrozell, Solid Ferrozell Handle

Overall Length

20 cm – 8″, 20 cm – 8


Dual Satin & Mirror, Dual Satin & Mirror


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: Neurosurgery / Spine
Post Mortem
Product Category: Impactors
Osteotomes, Chisels & Gouges
Product Type: Bone Chisels


Salenius Meniscus Knife

(0 Reviews)
Salenius Meniscus Knife is a specialized orthopedic tool that surgeons commonly use for cutting and reshaping the meniscal cortical bone structure, in order to perform knee repairing procedures.
  • Narrow Sharp Tip Granting Access Into Tight Spaces.
  • Curved Left & Right Models for Specific Surgical Applications.
  • Ergonomic Hollow Handle Ensuring Superior Control.

Seiffert Probe

(0 Reviews)
Seiffert Probe is a specialized multipurpose device that surgeons in multiple areas can use to explore delicate cavities, detect foreign bodies and masses, and probe the salivary duct to restore the saliva drainage.
  • Very Delicate Tip to Probe the Smallest Cavities.
  • Malleable Design Promoting Versatil Exploration.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Superior Control.

Slotted Ring Pattern Tendon Stripper

(0 Reviews)
Slotted Ring Pattern Tendon Stripper is a specialized surgical device that orthopedic surgeons commonly use for removing and stripping down tendons from their junctures, in order to repair tendon injuries.
  • Circular Blunt Blade for Threading Delicate Tendons.
  • Malleable Shaft Granting Access Into Narrow Spaces.
  • Ergonomic Ring Handle Ensuring Superior Control.

Stille Hand Drill with Twist Drills

(0 Reviews)
The Stille Hand Drill with its Twist Drills assist surgeons to drill tracks in bones prior to fixation of plates and screws. This is useful for orthopedic and neurosurgical procedures.
  • T-shaped handle for firm and reliable grasps.
  • Rotating crank with lateral handle for convenience and efficiency.
  • Compatible coupling with multiple drilling tools to cover multiple surgical preferences.

Tessier Bone Osteotome

(0 Reviews)
Tessier Bone Osteotome is a specialized surgical tool that maxillofacial surgeons can use for cutting and reshaping the maxillary and lower jawbone, and for harvesting cranial bone grafting.
  • Atraumatic Small Beveled Blade for Avoiding Bone Fracture.
  • Elongated Straight Design for Higher Surgical Precision.
  • Ergonomic Soid Handle for Maximum Control.

Verbrugge Bone Holding Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Verbrugge Bone Holding Forcep is a specialized surgical tool that orthopedic surgeons commonly use to grasp, hold and mobilize fractured bone fragments, in order to reposition them into their natural alignment.
  • One-Sided Serrated Jaws Granting Minimal Adnexal Damage.
  • Ratchet Mechanism for Statically Locking the Jaws.
  • Ergonomic Finger Rings Ensuring Superior Handling.

West Septum Chisel

(0 Reviews)
West Septum Chisel is a specialized surgical tool that surgeons can use for cutting and reshaping the nasal septum cortical bone tissue, in order to perform rhinoplasty and other plastic surgery procedures.
  • Atraumatic Beveled Blade for Minimizing Submucosa Damage.
  • Solid Straight Shank for Deep Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Superior Control.
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