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Cincel de Fomon

Cincel de Fomon es un instrumento especializado que permite cortar y remodelar superficies óseas de la nariz, en especial durante procedimientos reconstructivos nasal, tales como la rinoplastia.

  • Hoja con Defensa para Evitar Daños Locales.
  • Diseño Recto que Asegura Accesos Profundos.
  • Manejo Excelente Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.


El Cincel de Fomon ofrece un abanico extenso de beneficios operatorios. Cumple la función fundamental de seccionar porciones pequeñas de hueso durante la remodelación nasal.

Para este fin, el instrumento cuenta con un extremo biselado provisto de una defensa lateral de punta roma. De tal modo, el cincel es perfecto para remodelar el tabique sin lesionar tejidos adyacentes. Además, el tamaño del extremo varía entre 4.0 y 7.0mm para suplir diversas necesidades.

Nuestro Cincel de Fomon ostenta también un mango recto y cilíndrico para un agarre firme. Aparte, su extremo proximal tiene una plataforma circular para impactar el cincel contra el hueso usando un mazo.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de excelente calidad con un acabado de espejo o mate que evita reflejos de luz.

Author Name

Fomon, Fomon

Working End Details

Con Protector, With Guard

Handle Type

Mango Sólido, Solid Handle

Overall Length

16 cm – 6 1/4″, 16 cm – 6 1/4


Dual Satin & Mirror, Dual Satin & Mirror


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: ENT
Oral & Maxillofacial
Product Category: Impactors
Osteotomes, Chisels & Gouges
Product Type: Bone Chisels


Allis Intestinal and Tissue Grasping Forcep

(0 Reviews)
The ® Allis Intestinal and Tissue Grasping Forcep also called a hemostat is commonly used in multiple surgeries to grasp tissues for manipulation and clamp blood vessels. The instrument is frequently used in general as well as specialized surgeries.
  • Broad Tips For Secure Grip
  • Ratchet Lock Provides Self-Retaining System
  • Ergonomic Ring Handles For Comfortable Handling

Bergmann Bone Mallet

(0 Reviews)
Bergmann Bone Mallet is an orthopedic surgical device that surgeons commonly use for hammering multiple instruments involved in bone repairing or harvesting, including osteotomes, chisels, gouges, and tampers.
  • Resilient Flat Impacting Surfaces for Smooth Hammering Action.
  • Available In Different Head Diameters for Adapting to Any Surgical Case.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Superior Control.

Bone Tamper

(0 Reviews)
Bone Tamper is a specialized orthopedic tool that surgeons can use for compacting and tamping bone structures and bone grafting into fracture spaces, looking towards to grow new tissue and repair the fracture.
  • Atraumatic Round-Shaped Tip for Minimizing Local Damage.
  • Solid Straight Design for Deep Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Superior Control.

Caplan Septum Scissor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Caplan Septum Scissor is a heavy duty scissor commonly used during endonasal surgeries to dissect nasal septal cartilages. The instrument is used to dissect tough tissues during ENT, Plastic and Orthopedic surgeries.
  • Double Joint To Increase Power Of Dissection
  • One-Toothed Blades To Ensure Fine Cuts
  • Curved Profile To Improve Visibility
  • Serrated Handle To Improve Grip

Cloward Bone Gouge

(0 Reviews)
Cloward Bone Gouge is an orthopedic surgical device that surgeons commonly use to carve and scoop the cancellous bony tissue from bone structures, in order to harvest grafting material and biopsy samples.
  • Atraumatic Cutting Edge for Smooth Scooping Action.
  • Slender Straight Outline for Highest Surgical Precion.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Maximum Control.

Cotton Applicator

(0 Reviews)
Cotton Applicator is a specialized device that surgeons in every area can use to hold, mobilize and carry cotton swabs, in order to absorb fluids and blood or other liquids that may obscure the view of the surgical field.
  • Helically Grooved Tip to Easily Hold Cotton.
  • Slim Shaft Ideal to Traverse Narrow Passages.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

DeBakey Suction Tube

(0 Reviews)
DeBakey Suction Tube is a specialized device that surgeons in multiple fields use to permit the drainage of fluids out of a cavity, especially to enhance the view of the surgical site.
  • 9.0mm Diameter Working End for Enhanced Suction.
  • Curved Tube Profile to Reach Deep Surgical Targets.
  • Tapered Hollow Handle Ensuring Superior Control.
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