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Beckmann Adenoid Curette

® Beckmann Adenoid Curette is used for clearing away the residual tissue of following removal of tonsils and adenoids.

  • Square Fenestrated Working End With Sharp Blade For Efficient Scraping
  • Ergonomically Designed Hollow Handle For Secure Grip
  • Available In A Variety Of Tip Widths 13.0mm – 23.0mm
  • Overall Length 22.5cm


Beckmann Adenoid Curette is for removing the remains of adenoid tissue i.e. tonsils.

It has a hollow large handle that allows for controlled use. The long slender straight shaft is ideal for accessibility. Also its rectangular fenestrated working end with an inner sharp blade makes scraping efficient.

The overall length of the curette is 22.5 cm, and several profile sizes are available.

We manufacture Beckmann Adenoid Curettes from premium quality surgical grade stainless steel.

Historical Insight

The origins of Beckmann Adenoid instrument can be traced back to Gottstien (1886) who invented the Gottstein’s ring knife which was used for adenoid resection. Beckmann (1897) can be credited for modifying this ring knife to a curette and performed 5,000 cases. However the detached fragments of blood and tissue during adenoid resection would often get entangled. A solution was proposed by St Clair Thomas to modify the curette by attaching a cage to secure the fragments.

Author Name





Adenoid Curettes


Curettes & Adenotomes

Handle Type

Hollow Handle




Stainless Steel

CE Marking




Used in Specialties: ENT,
Product Category: Curettes & Adenotomes,
Product Type: Adenoid Curettes,


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  • Angled Blade Promoting Precise Retraction.
  • Convex Outline to Fit the Mandible with Ease.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.
  • 12 & 17mm Blade Size to Suit All Applications.

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  • Multiple Models For Diverse Indications.
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