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Bajalengua de Doughty

® Bajalengua de Doughty es un instrumento especializado que sirve para proteger la lengua y el piso de la boca durante cirugías orales, a fin de evitar cortes con otros instrumentos de borde afilado.

  • Hoja en L que Optimiza el Abordaje.
  • Ranura Central para Insertar Tubos de Aspiración.
  • Excelente Manejo Gracias a su Mango Ergonómico.


El Bajalengua de Doughty ofrece un abanico extenso de beneficios quirúrgicos. Su función principal consiste en deprimir la lengua para evitar su intromisión en el sitio operatorio.

Para lograrlo, el instrumento posee una hoja en forma de L que se adapta con facilidad al contorno de la mandíbula. Además, está disponible en cinco tamaños que varían de 28 x 66mm a 38 x 100mm. De tal modo, el equipo puede escoger el modelo adecuado para cada caso clínico.

Nuestro Bajalengua de Doughty exhibe una ranura en el medio de la hoja para insertar tubos de aspiración. Esto permite al cirujano no solo deprimir la lengua sino aspirar la saliva y demás fluidos acumulados durante la intervención.

Fabricado en acero inoxidable de alta calidad, fácil de esterilizar, con un acabado mate que reduce los destellos de luz.

Author Name
Working End Details

Fenestrated Blade With Pin, Hoja Fenestrada con Perno

Handle Type

Mango Sólido, Solid Handle

Overall Length

13.5 cm – 5 1/4″, 13.5 cm – 5 1/4″


Satinado, Satin


Acero Inoxidable, Stainless Steel

CE Marking

Si, Yes


Si, Yes

Used in Specialties: Dental,
Oral & Maxillofacial,
Product Category: Retractors, Hooks & Spatulas,
Product Type: Tongue Depressors,


Koenig Tuning Fork

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Koenig Tuning Forks are acoustic instruments that doctors use to examine hearing and evaluate vibration sensation during neurology examinations. Pinging the prongs on a hard surface produces a frequency of 109 Hz when the damper is set at the A mark.
  • Adjustable Dampers Produce Multiple Frequencies.
  • Plastic Foot For Optimal Balance And Control.
  • Premium Quality For Long Term Service.

Laryngeal Mirror

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The Laryngeal Mirror assists otolaryngologists to view and take biopsies from the upper airways. This includes structures like the posterior tongue, the posterior pharyngeal wall and the larynx in pharyngeal examinations.
  • Corrugated & Moveable Handle For Convenient Grips.
  • Slender Shaft For Deep Pharyngeal Access.
  • Premium Grade Materials For Reliable Service.

Lower Lateral Morselizer

(0 Reviews)
The Lower Lateral Morselizer assists rhinologists and plastic surgeons in septoplasty procedures to remove the cartilaginous tissues and the bony septum.
  • Long grip handles for controlled movements.
  • Curved shaft facilitates access into lateral planes.
  • UltraGripX™ jaws with tungsten carbide inserts for non-slip grasps.
TC Inserts For Impeccable Gripping

Mathieu Retractor

(0 Reviews)
Mathieu Retractor is a hand-held surgical device that allows surgeons to mobilize, pull back and statically hold muscles and skin sheets in place, in order to expose their underlying cavities and spaces.
  • Double Ended Design For Retracting Different Tissues.
  • Atraumatic Working End Rims For Minimizing Trauma.
  • Ergonomic Fenestrated Handle For Maximum Control.

Metzenbaum SuperEdge™ Dissecting Scissor

(0 Reviews)
The ® Metzenbaum SuperEdge™ Dissecting Scissor is used for dissection of delicate tissues in narrow cavities. Commonly employed in a number of different surgeries where precision is of critical importance.
  • XTSCut™ TC Edge For Effortless Dissection
  • Bevel-Honed Blade To Minimize Soft Tissue Damage
  • Auto-Sharpen Technology To Prolong Durability
Class Leading Supreme Scissors Super Fine Grounded Micro Serrations Tungsten Carbide Inserts Enabling 6x Performance

Mod. USA Pattern Dressing Forcep

(0 Reviews)
Mod. USA Pattern Dressing Forcep is a popular surgical instrument that surgeons in multiple areas use for grasping, holding and mobilizing dressings of all sizes, in order to pack wounds, control hemostasis and absorb fluids.
  • Serrated Tips for Extremely Firm Grasps.
  • Wide Range of Sizes for Suiting All Applications.
  • Spring Style Handle Ensuring Maximum Control.

Obwegeser Alveolar Osteotome

(0 Reviews)
Obwegeser Alveolar Osteotome is a specialized instrument that maxillofacial surgeons can use for cutting and carving across the delicate alveolar zone of the maxillary bone, in order to perform osteotomy and reconstructive procedures.
  • Atraumatic Small Beveled Blade for Minimizing Local Injury.
  • Entirely Straight Outline for Deep Surgical Access.
  • Ergonomic Solid Handle for Superior Control.
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